34. Trust

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It's five past ten. In five minutes the students will get a little break. Everyone was still working at the task they got minutes ago from the teacher. Sherlock was still sitting with Janine at the desk. Sherlock filled the task in, slovenly. Sherlock did most of the work though. He hastily made it, so he could spy on John. He doesn't trust Mary. Her smile is too wide. It can't be a real one.

Sherlock was watching John with his brows pursed together. He sighed loudly every ten seconds, rolling his eyes, shaking his foot up and down. His arms crossed. Making long-suffering huffs in annoyance of sitting here without John.

Janine is painting her nails with a purplish-blue colour. She was hunching over the desk, resting her elbows on it as she is painting her nails. As the teacher spoke up, her steady hand slip and paint polish across her skin. She sighed, looking for a napkin or something to clean it. Sherlock rolled his eyes and gave her a tissue as she couldn't find something to clean it. She said thankyou and both looked up as the teacher said a familiar name.

"John, Mary." The teacher said. John and Mary immediately stopped talking, so they can look up at the teacher.

"Yes, Miss?" Mary asked with her typical lovely tone.

"Can you two go after the tablets?" She asked. When her sentence finished, students are cheering from happiness. Happy that they are going to work with tablets. What means Facebook. Sherlock isn't cheering like the rest. He's growling, looking tensely at the teacher. This has to be a joke.

"Sure." John said, raising to his feet.

"Good, thank you." She smiled. "The tablets are lying at the reception." She added.

"Okay." Both said in unison, what made Mary chuckle, her eyes twinkling as she is glancing at John. John was grabbing his jacket until Mary interrupted him.

"What are you doing, dummy? We don't have to go outside." She laughed, nudging John's shoulder. Sherlock's eyes widened. Dummy? Excuse me? He thought, giving her a dead glare, even she isn't looking at him.

As Sherlock kept a steady eye on Mary. John chuckled and turned around to glance at his boyfriend before he leaved the classroom. He saw Sherlock's stern expression and John is shuffling uncertainly in his small, unique ways for some long seconds, until suddenly Sherlock looked away from Mary to make eye contact with John. John was frowning as he saw Sherlock's pale serious expression. John glanced briefly at Janine who is gesturing to Mary, as in explaining why Sherlock is acting like this. John rolled his eyes and rushed towards Sherlock and whispered in his ear.

"Stop being jealous." John whispered, nudging Sherlock shoulder and leaved the room.

"I'm not." Sherlock snapped, just loudly enough for John to hear.

After the five minutes, John still didn't return. The bell just rang and Sherlock is supposed to share his break with John. Not alone in the corridor. He started to get uneasy and stood up and walked into the direction of the reception, eyes fixed on every detail he sees. Then he turned a corner and froze. He held very still. He saw Mary wrapping her arms around John from behind. John is faking a smile. He can't do anything about her, since he's carrying a box full of tablets.

Sherlock stood for a long time completely motionless, his heart pounding. Sherlock knew he's overreacting. John isn't doing anything wrong. But the thought of losing John is overmuch. He felt his heart aching at the thought of being the lonely kid again. Not having his doctor around him. He sighed and turned around and walked away from the two.

"Mary, stop it, I'm dating." He said on a friendly tone, trying to shrug her off. She rolled her eyes and as she released him she chuckled slightly.

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