Chapter 44

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We were handcuffed together, at least that's what it felt like. I fed, bathed, helped him get dressed, all but wiped his ass for him. By the end of the week, I was weary and a meanness grew inside of me, burrowing deep in the pit of my stomach, ready to jump out and snarl at another one of his demands. I didn't sign up to be his mother and I carried resentment on my shoulders whenever I walked into the bedroom. It felt like being trapped again except this time I was in the doctor's house and my inmates were Cole and Morris. James made an occasional appearance with bags of groceries and questions: Anything else you need? Write down a list, I'll get it. Whatever it is. I should've broken my legs because I wasn't going to be needing them any time soon.

The first few days had been the honeymoon period: albeit painful, muscles ached and cuts were sore nonetheless we were loving and lustful. And then came the days of horror and bitter retorts and catty fights. I didn't have any patience, I had reached the end of my limit and Cole tried but staying motionless for long periods of time made him angry. He'd lash out at the doctor and swear for hours at the phone. He had the worst temper out of all three of us and soon turned his evil eye on the two of us. He chewed his chicken, hands clenched into fists, jaw working hard, glaring around the room. After a tense handful of seconds, he pushed his plate away, dropping the knife and fork and spitting. "This taste funny. What the hell did you add to it?"

"Garlic. Turmeric. Chilli powder. Would you like me to show you the ingredients?" Morris bit out.

"I'll show you the end of a fucking bullet if you don't mind your tongue," he slammed his fist on the table and the wine in glasses spilt over the rim, splashing on the once-clean white tablecloth.

"Cole," I tried. He had no manners, the doctor had graciously – although he was being paid – offered his home to us, cooked us dinner every night and went out of his way to make us comfortable. The very least he could do was force a smile and keep quiet.


"Your attitude is appalling and I'm not going to tolerate it any longer."

"Where do you think you're going?" he shot up and latched a hand on my wrist, jerking me back and my dinner plate almost went flying out of my hands. "Sit back down."

"You have five seconds to back away before I smack this plate into your fucking godawful face," I exploded and marched away. "I'm going to the lounge room. You should join me, Morris, and leave a certain someone on their own. Give them time to reflect on their decisions."

Morris followed after with the bottle of red wine. He poured me a glass and settled on the sofa. We watched the X-files in silence aside from the occasional questions for a refill. I didn't feel like eating anymore and my plate went cold. Dinner had been ruined thanks to Cole and his suffocating mood. He sulked more than a child did and it was getting on everyone's nerves. I had already called Isiah and told him I wouldn't be able to make it out this weekend just so I could help look after the big baby and Morris cancelled a trip to Vegas (he was a frequent visitor to casinos and hookers) and Cole still acted like he was the one doing us a favour. It was ridiculous.

His frustration was understandable but in no way excusable: there was a snake in heaven's garden, amongst his group of closest friends. Someone playing for both teams and all he had so far was suspicions and fits of rage. He demanded for everyone's phone calls to be recorded and asked James to put a tracker in his men's cars. I had asked him if he had done the same to my phone a while back but he shook his head, snapping there was no way he could've done so. So far all he had succeeded in doing was severing the lines of trust between him and his friends.

Later that night he walked into the guestroom where I was getting ready to slip under the covers. "I'm sorry," he said quietly.

"You always are," I said. I didn't bother turning to him and went to plug the charger in my phone. I twisted around and he stood in front of me. He was shirtless and wearing fresh bandages.

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