Chapter 16 (REWRITE)

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*picture of Rider above*

Henry's brother is my old Master! Henry's brother is my old Master! She kept repeating it over and over and over again. This couldn't be happening. She was finally happy and now this monster had entered back into her life. By now, her heartbeat had increased, and she stepped backward.

Rider walked toward her, and she froze.

Rose breathed heavily as the man was just a few inches away. The man stared down at her with a small smile on his face.

"Rider, this is my Pet, Rose." Henry almost warned.

"I know. We've already met,"

She looked down, trying to hide her quivering lip.

"How did you know her?" Henry asked. From what she had told him of her past, no vampire had ever been nice to her. He only hoped it wasn't what he thought it was.

"I was her old Master." Her hands started to tremble. "Just as timid as ever I see?"

Before anything more could happen, Rider was spun around and was now face to face with a more than angry Henry.

Rider looked at Henry, then glanced back at a still shaking Rose. Slowly he turned his attention to his brother. He closed his eyes for a second, concentrating. "You like her." He opened his eyes. Though Henry's face didn't so much as shift, Rider received his answer. "I should have known, you do have a habit in 'falling in love' with Pets."

Everyone in the room, even Rose, knew Rider's gift was being able to read one's true emotions. There was no hiding anything from him, Rose had tried and failed miserably multiple times.

"Right now, I know the Pet is scared, but she is also glad that you are here. From you, I understand that you are protective of her. And not just because she's your Pet, but because you don't want anything to happen to her. Why would a vampire be protective for his Pet's well being? More importantly, why would a Pet be reliant on her Master? You like her, don't you? And more than that other Pet as well." He froze for a second before he twitched. His eyes turned a darker shade of red. "What will dad think?"

"You're not going to tell him."

"Oh?" Rider questioned with a raised eyebrow. "Henry, you and I both know loving a stupid thing like her never ends well." His voice was somehow deeper. Rose recognized the tone well. She couldn't describe it, but Rider seemed to have episodes where he would shift to a darker, more violent person. To this day, she still had no idea what triggered it, but she did know one thing, it always led to pain for her.

Rose's feet naturally backed up before soft, gentle hands grabbed her. She almost squealed as she realized Lisa was in front of her, speaking to her. However, Rose couldn't hear a word she was saying. She couldn't hear anything! All of her senses had gone numb and failure to listen would lead to pain.

Henry watched as his mom tried to comfort Rose, but even Lisa couldn't seem to get her out of the spell she was in.

Rider could hear Rose's familiar panicked breathing.

"I think it's best if you leave," Henry said.

Rider raised an eyebrow. "You're choosing a Pet over your brother?" The darkest shade seemed to be falling from his eyes.

"I know how you've treated her," Henry said in a hushed tone. "And no, I don't fully blame you. I know that you don't always have control. I still love you, but . . . I am choosing Rose over you."

Rider breathed out in what could only be described as disbelief. "How pathetic," he said more to himself than to Henry. "I treated her how Pet's are supposed to be treated. Use your gift and see that I have done nothing wrong. Don't you believe me?"

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