3- Heart Attack

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“Owen, come on!” I wailed up the stairs. “You’re going to make us late.”

“I’m coming!” He assured me on Monday morning. Like I said, we have to share a car because our dad thought that we’d be too spoiled if we each got our own car. That was his philosophy last year when we turned sixteen, anyway. Today, I think that he woke up late or something, because usually, he’s ready way before me, that or he fell asleep in the shower.

I’d already had breakfast and I even finished my psychology homework, which was good because I have that class first period and I wouldn’t have any other time to do it. But seriously? Only mean teachers give homework over the weekend, it’s just so cruel if you ask me.

I was about to call for him again but stopped short when I heard the padding of his feet fumbling down the stairs and then he hurried into the kitchen two seconds later. “Okay, I’m ready.”

I looked at the clock and saw that we still had twenty minutes to get to school, so we’d be on time, lucky him. I have perfect attendance and Owen wouldn’t be able to make me late without hell to pay. “I made you some Pop Tarts.” I chirped, tossing him a silver packet of Pop Tarts.

“You made them?” He chuckled as we both left the house since our dad was already gone for work- he coaches baseball at the local YMCA in the mornings.

I nodded. “Of course I did, aren’t they fantastic?”

“They’re still in the package.” He pointed out.

“Yeah, because I put them there.” I joked, getting in the driver side of the car. I don’t know how we decide who drives each day, we just kinda get in the car and whoever gets in the driver side drives that time, which is nice because we never really fight over who has to drive or anything.

“You are really weird, you know.” He commented. “Anyway, we gotta pick up Todd.”

I let out a long sigh. “Alright, fine.”

“Why so dramatic? You like Todd.” Owen wondered.

“Yeah, he’s a cool guy, he’s just out of our way and always makes me stop for McDonald’s before going to school.” I complained.

He laughed. “He’s not that far out of the way and you like McDonald’s.”

I shrugged. “Yeah, you’re right.”

We got to Todd’s house five minutes later and Owen texted him that we were outside.

“You should have texted him before we were actually here, so he would be out here when we got here.” I whined, wanting to just get to school already.

“What is up with you?” Owen laughed. “Why are you so eager to get to school today?”

“I-I’m not.” I denied. I wasn’t about to tell him that I wanted to get to school early because it would give me some time to play “eye spy the hot baseball guy” because Caleb Fisher is always in the cafeteria on Monday mornings, which is where you have to wait if you get to school earlier than the warning bells.

“Okay, whatever.” He snorted with an eye roll just as I heard the door to the backseat swing open and a rowdy Todd jump into the backseat. However, when I looked back there to greet him, I was embarrassingly surprised by the fact that he was not alone. No, it’s not the fact that there was somebody with him that freaked me out, it was the fact that that somebody was none other than Caleb Fisher. I let out an odd-sounding squeak sound before turning back around to face forward.

“Kota, you gotta drive.” Owen reminded me slowly after saying hi to his friends in the backseat.

“I-I know.” I squeaked, pushing on the gas and moving forward away from Todd’s house with shaking limbs. I don’t think I’d ever been this close to Caleb Fisher ever in my life. Ever.

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