You're Daft To Think She'd Care (Alex Turner/ Arctic Monkeys)

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"Hey, Salami

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"Hey, Salami... um, can't today," I say to my boss, Sal, on the phone. He refuses to tell us his real name, even though we're all pretty certain that it's Salvatore or something, so instead, we just call him Salami. Immature, right? Well, he's also the same age as me.

"That's alright with me, it's your salary, ain't it?" He asks sardonically.

"Yeah," I sigh, furiously waving my friends away. My friends, Guillermo and Achol, have been begging for me to go with them to New York. They say that Pennsylvania isn't too far from where the party's at, so I shouldn't be complaining about the ride there. They also said that this Friday's perfect, because Monday I have off for President's Day, and a four-day weekend should sound awfully tasty to me. I've never been to New York, so they promised to take me sight-seeing.

I mean, the party isn't for anyone that I know, but Guillermo swears that some of our old high school buddies are going to be there, so I shouldn't feel left out.

"Fine, you should have all Tuesday to finish your stuff," He tells me, and I hear the sounds of telephone's ringing in the back.

"You got it. Bye," I say and hang up, right as Achol couldn't hold in her laugh anymore. Achol is always happy. It's almost amazing. She's funny, and smiley, and God, everyone feels good around her. I don't know how she does it. She's such a fucking good person, it's scary, really.

"Achol, we have to finish putting the luggage into the van," Guillermo smiles, and takes her hands into his. Guillermo is such a calm guy. He's just chill every day of the year, and he loves to take pictures of everything and everything. He's also the one who got me into bleaching my hair blonde. He loves hair colors, he's always dyeing his different colors.

She lets go and they finish stuffing the back with our stuff. I was in charge of the grocery shopping, so I had to buy $150 dollars worth of chips, candies, liquor and other goodies that Guillermo and Achol wanted, like cigarettes and some weed from a friend.

I don't smoke, no, but they do, and they're treating me to a well-deserved vacation to New York, so their wishes are my command. I'm also kissing up to Achol more than before so, when they have a baby, I can be the Godmother. I don't want kids, but I'd love to be the Cool Aunt.

"Alright, let's get a move on before the sun sets," Achol tells Guillermo as they shut the back door.

 He and Achol are dating. He's not fooling anyone.  

Oh God, no they're gonna make out. They think that I don't know, but I'm just a really good actress. I immediately pick up my book and pretend to be really interested in a page. Muttering an 'Oh!' and a 'c'mon now..' every now and then. These little sessions take about five minutes, so I take this time to go through my CD's and choose which ones should go first and which ones I should play in case my first one doesn't work. I have so many back-up plans running through my head right now.

Like, 'What Would Happen If We Aren't Let Inside The Party', and 'Guillermo Gets Too Drunk And Can't Drive Us Home', and 'Car Breaks Down'.

So many more than that, of course, but listing them all would bore anyone to death. It's boring me just thinking about it.

"Let's hit the road!" Guillermo pops into my open window, scaring me. Has it been five minutes?! I check the clock as he walks over to the driver's seat. Wow, it's only been 4. A record.

We drove off and I decided to let Achol put in her CD's. It's okay with me, I mean it's not my car.

Guillermo told me once that I'm too quiet. He said that in high school, the only time he ever heard my voice was when I spoke in class to answer a teachers question. Other than that, every time we held a conversation, he did all the talking and I would just stare and occasionally smile. He says that I never talk, and when I do, it isn't even complete sentences. I remember that all I said was, "okay, liar."

It's not that I never talk, but it's that I'm a complete idiot. I don't have any type of filter, and I'm capable of saying just about anything. Along with that, I just love to hear people talk and have a flowing connection. I don't want to be part of one, but it's cool to hear. I'm not as cool as Guillermo, or as sweet and giggly as Achol, so I just keep myself out.

I actually have no idea how Guillermo and Achol ever decided that they wanted to be my friend. I'm nothing like them. Nothing. They're open, and social and super sweet to everyone they meet, and I'm not. I'm just rude, quiet and mean. I don't like when people know about me either, it's just a weird feeling when someone gives you something that's exactly your taste. I can't even hold conversations long enough for people to even try to get to know me. Wanna see what happens when I give that talking thing a try?

"Hey, Achol, movies?" I asked from the back seat.

"Movies? Oh, I love movies! Guillermo, did I ever show you Shaun of the Dead? Because I watched it last night, and oh, my God, it's the best movie I've ever seen!" She exclaims, turning in her seat to face him.

"Nope, I don't recall," He admits, grinning because he knows that Achol's about to go off explaining the movie in her perspective.

"Really? Well, it's about these two English guys, who, like, really like going to this bar called the Winchester and..."

I look out the window and block out the rest of the conversation, not sure why I asked about movies. The last movie I ever saw was Jurassic Park in the theaters, and I think that movie scarred me. I reach for the radio and turn the volume almost all the way up, and Achol talks over the music and continues into Guillermo's ear. I don't really like Achol's music, but it's loud enough to drown out any other noises.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2017 ⏰

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