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A 17 year old girl was adopted by a wealthy family. No one knew who she was or where she came from, all they knew was that she was different from anyone they have ever known. She joined a family with five sons, knowing that in order to fit in she must earn their trust. However, trust is not so easily won. Will she gain their trust? What if their lives depend on it? Afterall she might be the only one who can save them.


It was already dark out and the car had just pulled up to the gate when the phone started ringing. A slender hand reached out to grab the phone from the driver before answering the phone.

"Good evening sir"

Her voice was calm, soothing and convey a sense of elegance, much like its owner as she sat gracefully in the back seat. She listens carefully to whoever that was speaking on the other end as the gate opens to let the car pass through.

"Yes sir. We have just arrived. Don't worry, they will be safe with me"


"It's better if they're unaware of my true purpose. Nothing good will come from giving them cause to be alarm"


"My people will be on standby just as a precaution, as you requested"

"...Sir, we have arrived. I'll contact you tomorrow for my report"


"Yes sir...you have a nice evening too"

She hung up as the car came to a stop in front of the brightly lit entrance of the large mansion. The light created a sharp contrast, showing sharp bone structure even as her true appearance remains unclear. The driver got out and walked around to open her door. She took a deep breath before stepping out.

Meanwhile, during her phone conversation:


"JOSEPH ALEXANDER LEXINGTON, don't you dare raise your voice at me young man. We've already told all of you that we were going to adopt a girl and she should be arriving today"

"But Mo-"

"No buts, my decision is final. End of discussion"

The two continue to glare at each other. one was much taller than the other but it was clear that they were related by their identical steely blue eyes. Four other boys stood close by, one who looked identical to the one glaring at their mother while the other three were identical. All of the boys look so similar to one another that there was no doubt that they're brothers. They all have icy blue eyes, thick brown hair, and they imposing height. Unlike their eldest brother, none of the others looked concern with suddenly getting a sister. The triplets even looked excited with the idea. One of them decide to asked what they were all thinking.

"How old is she mom? Have you met her before?"

His older brother looked incredulously at him and spoke before their mom can reply.

"Are you serious Ren? You're actually going to accept this? You were shocked when mom told us"

"Yes Alex, I am. We've know for a long time that mom wanted a daughter but couldn't have anymore kids, so don't selfish. I'm just surprised that we didn't get an adopted sister sooner"

His statement was backed up by his other brothers, who nodded in agreement. Alex saw that he was outnumbered and reluctantly agreed. The short silence was broken by the sound of the door bell. Their mom clapped her hand excitedly as she ran to the door.

"She's here!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2013 ⏰

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