The Long Lost Salvatore

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description: 1864

Annabelle Salvatore: youngest of the Salvatore family. at the age of 10. hair: brown. eyes: gray.

Stefan Salvatore: middle child. brow hair. blue eyes. 13

Damon Salvatore: oldest. black hair. 16. hazel.




Annabelle, Damon, and Stefan were all getting ready for bed when Anna came into Damon's room telling him that she thought something bad was going to happen to her. Damon picked her up and carried her back to her room telling her that nothing would happen. She made him promise, and after that she went to sleep little did they know she wouldn't be there in the morning.

~~~~~~~PRESENT DAY~~~~~~~

Annabelle sighs as she remembers the day she was taking from her brothers. She has just learned that they are back in Mystic Falls in the Salvatore boarding house. She is now driving there so she can reunite with them. When she gets there she knocks on the door and the door opens.

"hi Damon"


Authors note


I do not own any of these characters. in future reference to my book.

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