Everyone's annoying

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Over the next few days I had to put up with wild conspiracies of how Dad got in along with cautious glances at me. One of the days I was eating lunch with Fred and George with my back towards the Ravenclaws when I heard two girls mumble about me on the bench behind me. Fred gave me an 'are you okay?' look and I just nodded and shrugged it off. It was impossible to ignore these girls though because they were deliberately speaking loudly so that I heard them. "Come on you really think he got in by himself? It's obvious she helped him." Said one girl with an annoyingly nasally voice. "Oh my Godric you're right, I didn't see her at Hogsmeade she must've done it then!" The other yelled.
"The apple doesn't fall far from the tree my mum always said so I'm pretty sure she's a bit loopy too, not to mention her temper, she could probably be able to kill anyone of us right now." Whispered a Ravenclaw boy, I had enough, I slammed my fork down and stood up to face the little group of Ravenclaws. "Why don't you just stop talking about my father like he's scum on a Death eater's broom! You don't know the first thing about him or me so keep your mouths shut or I'll shut them for you!" I yelled and the whole hall went silent.
"Watch out." The boy whispered, I picked up my bag and stormed out of the hall without a glance back to see any of the stares I could feel, especially the ones from my friends.

I walked down to the Black Lake and sat down by a willow tree. Tears of anger slipped down my cheeks, I didn't want to cry but I couldn't keep it in any longer. Slowly a scruffy black dog came out from the bush behind me, he put his head on my lap but kept out of sight of the windows of Hogwarts. I looked into his stormy grey eyes and realized who this was, I threw my arms around him and hugged him as I smiled through my tears. "What are you doing here you're going to get yourself thrown back into Azkaban?!?" I whispered/yelled, still hugging him. I looked over to the castle to see if there was some one coming and there was! Moony! "Dad Moony is coming you have to get out of here." I said to him and he turned to leave but before he did he licked my face, I knew that if he wasn't in he animagus form it would've been a kiss on the head. He walked off into the overgrowth as Moony rounded the lake to me. "Annabelle I know you're upset and angry but you have lessons to attend to, come back inside." Remus said calmly.
"Why so I can be insulted and hear people talk shit about my family." I mumbled.
"Language Annabelle." Remus reminded me.
"Sorry." I mumbled even quieter. He sat down next to me and put his arm around me.
"This is where we all used to sit you know." He said softly, I smiled to myself because this is where my friends and I sit. "Fine I'll come back up." I said standing up achingly since the tree roots had hurt my backside. We both walked up to the castle silently, I didn't want to tell him I saw Dad because then he'd tell Dumbledore and I really didn't need him on my case right now. When I got to my Transfiguration class I sat at the back quietly and received cautious stares from people but got a sweet stare from Fred, I could hear his voice in my head saying "I'm sorry love." His brown eyes soft between our stares.

In the last training session before the first quidditch match of the season we were told that we weren't playing Slytherins we were playing Hufflepuff because apparently Malfoy is being a wimp and milking an injury. I was shivering in the cold wind and rain, Fred put his arm around me and tried to warm me up, my stomach did a somersault and filled with butterflies. "They have a new captain and seeker Cedric Diggory." Wood said as Angelina and Katie started giggling. I don't know what they see in him, to me he's big headed and thick. "Strong and silent." Katie said as they giggled again. "He's only silent because he can't string two words together." I grumbled as their giggles gave me a headache. "I don't know why you're worried Oliver, Hufflepuff are a pushover. Last time we played them Harry caught the snitch in 5 minutes, remember?" Fred said, Wood continued to fuss over Hufflepuff and I just let him until he went over the top about winning. "Oliver calm down! We're taking Hufflepuff very seriously, I mean come on!" I said irritably.

The match was tomorrow and I was in Defense Against the Dark Arts waiting for a substitute teacher seeing as it was the full moon tonight and Remus was terrible on days like today. I was hoping for someone like Professor Binns, then it would be a complete doss lesson but instead Snape came barging in with his black dress flowing behind him. "Get out your books and turned to page 394." He said in his monotone voice. I flipped to the page and it was werewolfs. Of course, Snape wanted us to find out and get Remus sacked. We had covered werewolfs a bit before, last year but Lockheart was terrible, I knew a lot about them already since I grew up with one. "Who can tell me how we tell the difference between a werewolf and a true wolf?" Snape asked the class, his coal eyes glaring at me. "No one? Typical, Professor Lupin obviously hasn't taught you very well." Snape said coldly. I bit my tongue to stop me from mouthing back to him, I really didn't want another detention from Snape. "Read through the pages on werewolfs, making notes on useful information only. You will do this in silence." For the rest of the lesson I wrote a few notes and just had a staring competition with Fred or George, whenever one of us would blink we would pull faces at each other until Snape turned his gaze towards us. When class ended Fred, George and I ran out of the classroom as fast as we could because Fred let off a dungbomb. We ran for our lives.

I woke up with a start the next morning because of a deafening thunderstorm that was raging on outside. I got dressed into sweats and an over sized jumper that I took from Fred last year and slumped downstairs to the common room. "Morning, sleeping beauty." Fred said, I shot him a death stare and he put his hands up in surrender. "Sorry love, what did I do?" He asked, I shrugged my shoulders.
"Sorry, the storm's driving me mad." I muttered as I made my way out of the portrait hole and down to the Great Hall for breakfast.

When Fred and I were walking down to the quidditch pitch, although we were soaked and freezing, we found it very amusing to see people's brollies being whipped from their grasp by the howling wind. We were changing into our scarlet quidditch robes and Wood kept making odd gulping sounds, then would shake his head. He beckoned us to follow him to the pitch and when we walked onto the pitch we couldn't hear the crowds cheers over the wind that had grown in force and was slapping my cheeks, the rain was soaking our robes and the lightning kept blinding me. We mounted our brooms and kicked off the ground at Madam Hooche's whistle. This was going to be a long, cold match.

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