20- Water Lilly

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 I awoke to the lapping of water around my body, my muscles sore and stiff from lying in a single position. When I opened my eyes I saw Hayes standing above me, his expression unreadable. "Get up" he said, making me realize that I was no longer bound to the foot of the tub. But that didn't make it any simpler of a request. I was fatigued, with a dull ache that ran deep into my bones making pushing myself into an upright position extremely tiresome. I did it with a semblance of ease however, masking my pain with a smirk. Luckily for me it was one of the few expressions I had mastered in even the most stressful of situations.        

Although preparing for a prosecutor's questions, or a police interrogation was nothing like this. What I had just endured made me think back to the methods terrorist organizations would use on their prisoners. They would place wet cloths over their mouths pouring water over top. Very similar to the drowning they had done to me. I bet my Dad had knowledge of their doings here, even my Mom must have had an idea, after all it was her contact that lead me here.       

 They had to have known, and yet they let me go anyways. They let them do this to me, all so I could go back to being their perfect son. All golden haired and blue eyed, like your typical child prodigy. The hate I had started growing for them was surprising, I had to remind myself that hate only ever comes from love, and that my bitterness was a result of my feelings of betrayal.      

 After I had risen to my feet Hayes began to lead me out of the bathroom. I was still naked, and he hadn't yet offered me any clothes. My body dripped onto the hardwood as shivers wracked my body. It was cold with nothing to block the air from touching my damp flesh, combined with lack of sleep, I found myself feeling vulnerable and weak, which was precisely how they wanted me to feel. With my defenses down it would be easier for them to break through.      

 "Today you will be analyzed, to see how far the sickness has spread" He stated, opening a solid oak door. The room I was forced into resembled a modern hospital with a strong smell of antiseptic and a very white and minimalistic design.      

 There was however a chair, and attached to that chair were various sorts of wires and monitoring devices in front of which was a television set, one of the ones that only had a VCR player.        

Once lead into the room, Hayes left turning efficiently around and shutting the door. It was then that I noticed I wasn't alone. In front of a computer was a young woman, I estimated her age to be twenty five. She had long brown hair in a ponytail and wore red lipstick. You could tell that she had dressed up for the occasion as if even the most beautiful woman could tempt me. I still longed for Mason's lips, his strong muscular chest...I desperately craved the feeling of his morning stubble as it grazed along my cheek. These were not the thoughts I should be thinking in such a place, but I thought them anyways.      

 "Alright Mr. Jane, we are going to begin by attaching these wires to you. They will monitor your blood pressure and heart rate. They can also emit a minor electrical shock, which can be, and will be increased as the test progresses." she announced smiling. I stared at her, watching as she attached everything to me, hooking me up to her system like some laboratory experiment.      

 I had never before felt fear, not even when the jury was deliberating. It had always seemed to me a petty emotion, but right now I was terrified. I had none of my usual defenses and here it didn't really matter who I was, all that mattered was what and I couldn't hide it anymore, and even if I tried there was no guarantee that it would make any of this stop. Apparently all the stories I heard on the chat rooms were correct.        

There was a tenth circle of Hell, and it was right here.      

 It didn't take long to hook me up, such efficiency comes with practice I would imagine. I shuddered to think how many others had sat in this chair. When I got out of here I would make sure that I shut down this place. No one deserved such cruel treatment even if it was done to supposedly help them.      

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