8 - Concussed

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8. Seth

As soon as I escape the school building, I am bombarded with questions from random people. I brush all of them off, ignoring them. I just need to get back home.

I can feel the effect of the pain killers slowly dying off as my temples and the gash above my eyebrow start throbbing again. This injury is going to fuck me up for the next couple weeks, I just know it.

As soon as I get into the house, I am tackled down by Poppy. I quickly pick her up and hug her to my chest as she cheers to welcome me. The pain in my head is so overpowering, that my vision blurs for a couple seconds and I have to set my little sister down. She argues with me but I just walk past her and up the stairs. Heat starts to rise up from my neck to my cheeks and ears and my stomach twists and turns uncomfortably. I feel like I'm about to pass out again... so before I do, I drag myself towards my room and into my bed. Conveniently, I fall face front into the pillows.

I must have passed out as soon as my body collided with my bed because when I next open my eyes, my room is lit up with sunlight and I'm sprawled across my bed.

"What the...?"

Completely disoriented, I start feeling around my bed, looking for my phone as usual but I can't seem to find it. Something is irritating me and I realize that my alarm clock is ringing off the hook. Before growling a curse at it, I slap my hand on the snooze button, shutting it off.

Suddenly I shoot up, immediately regretting it as a stinging pain sends me flying right back onto my back. I don't have time to waste! If my alarm clock is ringing, that means I need to get up to wake up Poppy. Get her ready for school! Get to school myself!

Ignoring the searing pain, that is almost cuffing me to my bed, I run for Poppy's room. I can usually hear her singing from a far but today is different. Maybe she's ill...

"Paulina," I call as I slide into her room. "Poppy? Are you awake?"

"Go away..." she fusses, tiredly.

"You need to get up for school, baby." I whisper, brushing my hand through her hair, all the while blinking over and over, trying to get a clear vision. 

"GO AWAY," she suddenly yells, making me flinch.

My stomach churns once more and I feel like I'm being kicked repeatedly. My hand flies to my mouth as I feel bile rise up my throat. I run from Poppy's room and into the bathroom, bending over the toilet bowl. Acids burn the back of my throat as my stomach empties itself. Tears prickle at my eyes and cold sweat forms on my forehead.

My knees shake under my weight when I prop myself up to rinse out my mouth and brush my teeth. A short glimpse into the mirror above the sink lets me know that I resemble a zombie more than a human being.

Lilly, our maid, bursts into the bathroom with a concerned shriek. She is cradling a crying Paulina in her arms.

"Get her out of here," I pant as the crying is too much for me right now and I feel like I'm about to throw up again. She doesn't need to see that.

But my comment just sets off another set of loud wails and cries from Poppy. She is blaming herself for what is happening to me, that's for sure. I would be trying to comfort her but right now, I just need to get myself together and I can't do that if there's a crying toddler right here in the room with me.

"LILLY," I call, trying to calm my anger for Paulina's sake. "Get her out of here!"

Lilly jumps a little at my loud voice but does as she's told. Not a minute later, she reappears in front of me, patting my clammy forehead with a wet cloth.

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