22 - In too deep

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22. Arya

"You need to stop letting your insecurities get to you! You are beautiful. Fiercely real!" The top model on television tries to convince the wannabe model but seems to be talking right back at me.

After my breakdown earlier today, I somehow manage to get a grip and drag myself back home in utter shame. Sam has locked himself in his room and has turned up his stupid electronic music that I know he only plays when he's pissed and wants the world to know. Deciding to leave him alone is probably the best idea I've had all day. 

The search for the next best top model on television caught my attention once I rolled up on the couch in our living room, dressed in the slouchiest clothes I could find. Now I have been watching it for the last thirty minutes, following the struggle of one particular girl that interests me. Her being the only ''plus-size'' model has me relating to her in a strange way. The blonde bombshell is not nearly my size and she's probably the type of model that causes outrage because she gets labeled "plus size" when she's truly just got perfect curves but I still relate to her. 

"There are two beautiful ladies standing in front of me but," the beauty on the screen is interrupted by my phone ringing upstairs. 

You might wonder how I manage to hear my phone all the way from down here? Well, imagine never ever getting a phone call and then all of a sudden you hear your ringtone blaring through the house like a siren warning you about social interaction. That's me right now. I quickly jump off the couch and run up the stairs at lightning speed.

When I finally reach my room, I locate my phone next to my backpack and quickly answer the call, not paying any attention to caller ID.

"Arya, it's Mel." I can't respond as realization hits me like a ton of bricks. "Not sure if you forgot or if you're sick or something but I was expecting you to come in to work today."

"Mel, I'm so sorry. I totally forgot... Do you still want me to come in? I could..."

"Don't worry about it." She chuckles and I'm relieved that she's not mad at all. "I'm on my own today so I'd love it if you could come over. It's a slow day but I would appreciate the company."

"Right. I will be right there! Give me twenty minutes, okay?" She agrees and we say goodbye before I hang up the phone.

I quickly strip out of my lounge clothes and put my jeans and shirt back on. Forcing my tangled hair into a top knot, I don't bother reapplying my make up and skip back downstairs. On the way down, I grab my bag with some art supplies, my uniform and my notepad in it.

On the television screen the plus size model is currently hugging the host of the show and waving her photo at the other girls while another bleach blonde model is crying on the catwalk. I grin to myself, satisfied about the fact that the bigger girl beat out the typical beauty but my elation doesn't last long. Turning off the television, I run from the house and leg it to the art store. Usually Sam would drive me but he is so pissed off right now, asking him is not an option.

The only other people with cars I know are either Seth or Ethan. Neither of them are actual options. I have already embarrassed myself enough and I wouldn't make it any worse now. 

So I keep walking... and walking, and walking. 

My feet are tired and sore when I finally make it to the art store. Mel is already waiting for me by the door, stepping on a cigarette bud and blowing out a cloud of smoke. 

"You didn't see that," she mutters, ushering me into the tiny store. "Do you mind sorting out the acrylics, please? They're all messed up and people have been confusing the paints and the according descriptions." 

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