chapter thirty three

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// credit to whoever drew this and it's cute af and I love it ^_^

I have a new teen fic book up called is there somewhere if you wanna check it out :P //


Phil is running so damn fast right now.

His legs are burning and his lungs threatening to burst, but he needs to get to Dan, before something happens to him.

This is all Phil's fault. Why couldn't he have just stayed out of this? Why did he ever get involved?

Because he was a different person. Dan changed Phil, in a good way of course. It was like when Dan came along, Phil got given his sense of feeling and compassion. Dan gave Phil a conscience.

There's just something about Dan that drew him to Phil. It's as if Phil just couldn't stay away from that boy, no matter how much he tried. The broken, damaged, sad boy next door just had to waltz into Phil's life and make him fall in love.

Once upon a time, Phil would never have felt anything towards anyone. Nor would he care if he did something which hurt someone. But now, he's running to Dan like his life depends on it. Actually no, this could potentially end his life, so more like Dan's life depends on it.

Phil finally staggers into the maze of alley ways, running and stumbling towards where Dan apparently is. Phil leans over, his hands on his knees as he catches his breath.

"Let. Dan. Go."

Phil's breath hitches as he then looks up, seeing Dan lying on the floor, pale and his face pressed against the damp, dirty floor.

"Ah Phil, you've finally shown up," a voice says and Phil looks over, a glare forming on his features when he sees the person.

"Lyle," Phil snarls like the very word is poisonous, "I thought you seemed somewhat familiar."

"Ah yes Phil, I remember I tried to rob you when you were new to the scene," Lyle laughs menacingly, "you beat my ass. But now, I can beat yours."

"So Dan..." Phil starts, just putting the pieces together.

"I wanted to get back at you, you got Shane arrested and I have a bone to pick with you," Lyle laughs, "so it was perfect. Dan is quite the kisser though, isn't he Phil?"

Phil tenses, anger boiling inside of him.

"You little-" Phil starts, taking a step towards Lyle but his nameless companion pulls out something and points it at Dan.

Phil freezes at the glint of metal and the unnerving click. No, no, no, no, Phil thinks, this cannot be happening.

"Just let Dan go, he has nothing to do with your anger at me," Phil says in a demanding voice, trying to pretend that he isn't scared when he is in actual fact terrified.

"Without Dan, would you be here right now?" Lyle asks.

Phil hesitates. If they didn't have Dan he would definitely not be here right now.

"Exactly. Which is why we-" the other guy starts.

"Who the hell even are you?" Phil snaps, turning to the other guy and glaring at him, "I've never seen you in my entire life."

"I am-" he starts.

"Obviously a newbie," Phil says, hoping that maybe this will be a flaw which he can use to escape, "I can tell by your stance, the way you hold your gun, the way you talk..."

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