Chapter Five Vivid

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"Do you think you've won Pine Trees?"

Dipper and Theo struggled to bring themselves to their feet. Both of their bodies were surrounded in a bright yellow glow and were in a kneeling position.

"L-Leave Mabel alone Bill!"Dipper roared

Bill looked up toward Mabel who was floating above them in a blue bubble. He then cast a smug grin on his face.

"I'm quite impressed you're not pissing your pants at looking at this sweet vessel I acquired."Bill said

Theo's eyes lowered to the ground as he found himself helpless to save his friend.

"She's just a child Bill, leave her out of it!"Stan was chained to the wall behind him with several tears and cuts through his clothing.

But...this Stan was different...

He looked similar to the one they all knew, but he wore a trench coat and his glasses were different too.

"Oh Fordsy, you just don't get it."Bill floated up to the bubble and peered at the unconscious girl floating inside.

"Don't you dare lay one hand on her Cipher...!"the real Stan was on the ground running towards the demon with his fist pulled back.

"Tch,"Bill waved his hand and Stan floated up in the air,"You humans are so predictable."Bill then manipulated the old man's arm and snapped it before hurling him towards the boys.

"Now IQ, she's just as much part of this as you. In fact, she started all of this and now that I'm done with her..."

Suddenly the inside of the bubble became blood red making both Dipper and Theo cry out in agony.

"She's of no use to me."

Theo bolted upright in his bed, panting with sweat dripping out of every pore. He quickly gathered his notepad and recorded as much as he could from his dream.

Dipper and I, were fighting whom I presume is this Bill character I've heard about in the Journal.

But it's so strange...he looked so much like my dad, only with blonde hair and yellow eyes. He said something about a "vessel" but I don't get it.

Then there was the guy who looked like Grunkle Stan but his most distinguishable feature was the trench coat.

Then...Bill killed Mabel. I don't know how to make heads or tails of this since it felt so real. It was almost like a premonition.

Will write with anymore information.

Theo closed the notepad and heaved a sigh,"This Journal's got me thinking of some crazy stuff."

He climbed out of bed and made his way over to the door, grabbing the journal as he did.

He made his way to the kitchen and found Dipper and Mabel already sitting at the table.

Stan was sitting at the stove making breakfast while rubbing his eyes on occasion.

"Morning Grunkle Stan."Theo said

A firm grunt was his reply.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today."Theo thought

"Morning Theo! I made Mabel juice, ya want some?"Mabel asked

"Mabel, no one wants to choke on everything sparkly in the house."Dipper said

"That's where you're wrong! Plastic dinosaurs aren't sparkly! Hah, I outsmarted you this time!"Mabel said

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