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Say it's a sideman 'family' tradition for a Birthday boy (whatever sideman it may be in your story) to be able to ask one thing of each other sideman. In the past it's been common practice for the birthday boy to ask each sideman for one thing to make a party. (Like asking Harry for a cake, Josh for crisps, Simon for soda, JJ for alcohol, etc). This year however, something changes. Maybe the birthday sideman asks for a kiss from his crush, or maybe he doesn't know what to ask for, so wishes it to be a surprise.

Bonus: try not to include the obvious "big party, drunk people, confessions, kiss" sequence. Go for something more interesting, and try not to get anyone drunk

Random idea: try making the birthday boy a total introvert who hates parties, and even more bonus for having them selflessly decide to ask for things that benefit the other sidemen, not himself. (This could be a cool ending where the sidemen realize that birthday boy is only doing it for them, and decide to surprise him with something special that he might not have asked for)

KEEP IN MIND: my suggestions are just that, suggestions. You don't need to use everything I say, you can even just take one minuscule idea and ignore the rest :)

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