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Phew. I just came back from the mall. I have no idea why my parents dragged me there if I was only going to look through some books at the bookstore and I didn't even say anything to them before about coming... but anyway, the next chapter is finally here. I'm sorry for dissapearing ;_;

A talk with Naruto!

Topic: NarutoX ?

So, Naruto-

Naruto: Shadow- damn! I can't make hand signs! Untie me you freak!


Naruto: Aw...

Anyway, do you know why I'm doing this?

Naruto: Why are you doing this?

Because people are masochists and like to see you suffer.

Naruto: But I thought people liked me?  sniff

Most people do at least.

Naruto: You're confusing me!

Of course I am dumb ass. Just listen up and answer.

. . .

Did you know that people ship you with Hinata and Sakura?

Naruto: Ship? You mean like one of those ships at the docks on The edge of Fire country and stuff?

No. Ship as in shipping as in someone liking two people as a couple.

Naruto: ... Like dating? I don't think I've had one yet... Not a real one. But I will soon, believe it!

People like hooking you up or "shipping" you with Hinata and Sakura. You get me?

Naruto: What? Why would they do that? And why with two people and not one? They sound like creepers to me.

You've seen nothing yet. 

Naruto: What do you mean I've "seen nothing"? 

People also ship you with Sasuke.

Naruto: WHAT? 

You heard me.

Naruto: dramatizes WHY? That's impossible! Are they stupid or something? I do not like Sasuke that way! Not in a million years! I am not-

Alright, calm down. I heard ya. 

Naruto: Explain!

I am not society. I do not know. They are simply human. That's what humans do. 

Naruto: I don't believe you!

snorts I thought Naruto believed in anything. Don't get me wrong, or was this why you stopped saying "Believe it" as much?

Naruto: It just feels so wrong.  face turns green

chuckles You definitely have seen nothing!

Naruto: What?

Do you really want to know?

Naruto: ... no, I'm good... Now please get me off this chair, pleaseeee!! 

At least you have some manners

Naruto: ?

sigh Sasuke was a nightmare to talk to. I'm lucky to be alive after that.

Naruto: You also tied Sasuke to a chair? You're worse than Orochimaru!

I hear that a lot. You and Sasuke are just the beggining. 

Naruto: I have to warn the village! There's a worse criminal than snake-man on the loose! I have to- struggles GAHH GET ME OFF THIS CHAIR!!



Be quiet. 


Naruto: I mean, I get why people would ship me with Sakura but why Hinata?

Because she likes you.

Naruto: gapes ... That's impossible! *chuckles*

*sigh* Naruto?


You're a dumbass.

A/N- Hopefully I'll get the next chapter done sometime next week(Yeah, I'm horrible at being fast and an expert at being slow). Hopefully it'll be Deidara. 

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