Chapter Four - A Not-So-Long Break

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"I'm a Demi-God?" Johnny questioned. "Mhm. One of the first in... a long ass time." Kyu said.

"What does that mean?" He asked. "That means that your dad is a god... and your mom is not a god," Kyu explained.

"Huh..." "That's cool." Johnny expressed, sounding a little surprised. "I never would've thought my dad was some god."

After such a brief comment, Johnny got up from the sofa and opened the door to his room, leaving Kyu to have a brief moment of surprise at such a calm reaction. "You don't have any questions?" Kyu asked, raising herself from the couch. "Uh...." He thought.

"How is he?" Johnny asked. "Like I said... my mom never said anything bad about him..." He mentioned. "But has he changed?"

Johnny stepped out of his room and looked at the love fairy with an expression that showed he wanted to know something about his father, even if it was just a bit of information.

"Honestly, dude, he's chill," Kyu told him. "He's been friends with my boss since... pretty much forever. He was an ass not so long ago, but he's gotten better."

"And it's kinda scary how similar you look... but you also look more like your mom," Kyu said. "You know my mom?" He asked. "Well, I know about her. Haven't I made it clear that I know a lot about you?" She reminded.

"Now, I don't wanna spill too much of the tea without hearing from my boss... again. But yes, you are a Demi-God. You are the son of a god and his lover, Monica De La Rosa..." "But... you are also my client that I have to take care of."

"And instead of being a cute little exposition dump, we're gonna continue what we've been trying to do all day..." "Which is getting you a pair of boobs to touch."

The boy looked down with a face covered in worry; his mind racing with questions that he wanted to know the answer to, but didn't want to bother Kyu too much with. Who exactly was his father? What was his mom hiding from him all this time? Does his father know about him? What do boobs actually feel like?

"Well... you did finally tell me what the secret was," Johnny said. "And I promised I'd stop whining..." "So yeah, let's go touch some boobs."

"That's what I like to hear!" Kyu exclaimed. "Sugardust and De La Rosa back again!" She added. "I still can't believe that's your last name..." Johnny laughed. "Oh come on, Johnny, give me a break..." She said.

"So, who was your favorite girl we met today? Huh?" Kyu asked. "Maybe that Mexican chick with the big tatas? Or maybe the bitchy redhead with no tatas?" "Your old friend thought you were pretty hot too, so maybe her?"

"You know about Lola?" Johnny asked. "Duh! I'm your love fairy; I gotta know about every girl you meet." Kyu said.

"Well... I don't know. They all seemed nice." Johnny mentioned, walking back into his room as Kyu followed close behind. "Would it be unfair to say all of them?" He asked. "Mmm... yeah!" She said after giving it some thought.

"Fuck..." He laughed. "Well... my dick is telling me Jessie." "But... Tiffany was so cool." He added. "Ahh, stuck between the sweet daughter and her hot mom?" Kyu asked. I wouldn't mind that." She giggled.

"Yeah... I don't think I ever met a girl that was that nice." Johnny mentioned. "Don't go falling in love, Romeo. You got eight girls, one dick, and a whole lot of single and ready-to-mingle energy." Kyu told him as she laid back on his bed. "Yeah, yeah, I know. But I ain't never met a girl like that." He said.

The two sat in silence, taking a moment to relax. Johnny could enjoy the comfort of finally returning to his apartment, while Kyu could congratulate herself on a job well done.

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