Steps || Wen Junhui

54 10 3

Reviewed by: RandomWriter1209 
Author: bejeweledMe 

In my personal opinion, a title should represent an specific aspect of your book. The way I always perceive the word "Steps" in a title is the steps of life (I don't know if that's how I'm meant to perceive it but it is).  I can see how this perception is relevant to your story.
However, is there another title which can directly represent your book as a whole. Could you possibly think of something more creative which can attract even more readers? If the title has a deeper meaning which I can't see, that's fine. Really, there isn't anything wrong with what it currently is. But if I were to suggest anything, it would be to think of a title which has more of a deeper meaning.

Rating: 3/5

I really like your cover. I like how it isn't too full and hectic but, yet, it also isn't too plain.
If there was anything I was to suggest, it would be to add a bit more colour. I feel like colour is what attracts people to stories. Of course, if you feel like black and white fits your theme better, then that's fine.
Other than that, though, I think its good.

Rating: 3/5

You're preface is very good. It definitely does its job: introduces the main theme of the story and allows the reader to judge the main plot of the book.
I love the phrase "Will he be her knight in shining armour? Or just another case of bad luck?" I feel like its really catchy and memorable. The only error I can point out for this is that you spelt "armour" as "armor". But other than that, I thought it was amazing!

Rating: 4/5

It wasn't until I had begun reading it, until I realised that your story was a fanfiction of a book called "Seventeen" (Is it a book? I don't really know...). However, despite the fact that I very rarely read fanfic and that I'd never heard of the story "Seventeen", I still managed to catch on to the plot and really enjoy it.
I can see the plot going very far and developing into something amazing.
Your characters are built well and I feel like, as an audience, we are able to connect to them. It is also clear that your characters aren't 'perfect' and they do have some flaws, which I find is always an amazing sign of character building.
So, overall, I think that you have a very good plot. The only thing that's slightly restricting it for me is that I'm not familiar with the story in which its based on. However, that's not your fault so I understand that.

Rating: 4/5


~Perhaps you could add more colour to your cover.
~I feel like, in some parts of the story, it becomes very informal and almost too much. In most places (the majority of the book) it's fine but maybe you could take a look in the small sections where it becomes extremely informal.

My Personal Opinion:
I think that your story is very good. It has a good plot and the grammar is excellent (as far as I can tell). The characters are interesting and you use a good range of vocabulary.

In my opinion, your book deserves a lot of recognition and I wish you all the best for continuing to write!

My overall rating is ... 4/5

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