Post #5

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Dear Journal,

You can't trust anyone. Not one person.

Because really you have no one. Not one single person, but yourself.

You think you can open up to someone and tell everything...don't. Don't tell them anything you don't want the whole world to know about.

Don't give them a reason to talk shit about you either...or spread lies.

I guess the moral of this is to just keep to yourself and not trust anyone.

Do you and only you.

Don't give one single fuck about anybody, and live your life the way YOU want to. Because in the end it's only you.

These "friends" won't be there forever. They'll just turn their backs on you as soon as they can because they don't give two flying shits about you.

I know this could posibly be making you feel alone, worthless, unwanted and etc... But you shouldn't because you're not. I'm sorry if I made you feel that way if I did...but everything I said is true.

It's you and only you. That's all you have. You only have yourself..

-Love, Jules

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2013 ⏰

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