Chapter 3

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"You're nervous."

Owen glared at Sean before performing a tight turn and heading back the opposite direction. "I am not, don't be ridiculous."

"You're pacing." Sean smirked at him, tossing the stress ball in the air for a moment and squeezing it. "Admit it, Owen. You're quaking in your wingtips at the thought of time alone with one little girl."

He exhaled a long breath, running his hands through his hair. "Not just some little girl." He said, a pained tone creeping into his voice. "It's Sang. The most perfect girl that ever lived." He said, turning again and shooting an annoyed gaze at Sean again before catching the stress ball that had been hurled at him. "I'm glad you find this amusing."

Sean smirked and twirled a pencil in his fingers. "It's highly entertaining." He said. "I was thinking about videoing it so that I could snap chat it later to the boys."

"You wouldn't dare."

"A dare is an entirely different thing, Owen and you know it." Sean smirked again at the icy glare that was tossed his way before his best friend and brother paced back the other way again. "Come on, you can't honestly say you never gave any thought to what you would do if you had a chance to take her on a date." He said, taking his feet off the desk and sitting up to study Owen.

One perfectly arched eyebrow headed his direction. "I take her out." He said, stopping in the middle of their shared office, his hands coming to rest on his hips.

"Sunday breakfasts don't really count." Sean said. "I know that you have used that time to talk about things just the two of you. Sometimes you end up just dropping her off with other people. This is entirely different. This is evenings... something to do all day on a Saturday." He said softly.

Owen's shoulders slumped slightly. "You're right."

"Hey." Sean was concerned over the defeated slope of his shoulders and the insecure tone in his voice. "She adores you." He said, getting up and coming around to lean against his desk, slightly closer to him. "She hangs on your every word and would do anything and everything you asked of her. You know that."

Owen nodded. "And every last one of us would do anything to make sure she was happy." He commented.

"But yet, because of how she was raised, she's an open book, Owen. She doesn't have any favorite foods or activities because she doesn't know what options she has." Sean said. "And she's very keen on the fact that you're not her teacher anymore as of 5 minutes ago and she has the whole weekend free."

Owen stared off slightly, hardly sure of the plans that were starting to form an organized line of thought in his brain.

"And she doesn't like to sleep alone." Sean tilted his head, watching him. "She likes chocolate chip pancakes."

"She eats healthy around me." Owen murmured.

"She doesn't like the thought that you might be disappointed in her if she ate anything less healthy." Sean stated, amused at what seemed to be creeping into Owen's mind as he continued to throw out a few random statements at him. "She's sensitive below her belly button."

Owen's head snapped up. "Dr. Green! Just what are you insinuating?" he glared at him, shoulders snapping into place.

"Mr. Blackbourne..." Sean mimicked before flashing him a smug grin. "Wasn't insinuating anything about you and my pookie." He stated. "But for god's sake, Owen. Doesn't it just get you something fierce when she calls you Mr. Blackbourne?"

"Not going there." Owen muttered, slipping his glasses off and pinching the bridge of his nose.

Sean chuckled. "Ah... so you DO like it." He teased before chuckling. "Think Owen. There's an opera tomorrow night." He said softly. "One of your favorites. Maybe start tonight with dinner and a movie."

Owen scoffed at the idea for a moment. "Not one of those movies like the boys like." He said, raising his head and rubbing his jaw for a moment, watching Sean.

"No, not your standard movie." Sean said before pulling out the newspaper he'd been looking at earlier. "There's a classic little movie house that shows oldies. Tonight they are running a double feature of Audrey Hepburn. Breakfast at Tiffany's and My Fair Lady." He smiled as he watched Owen's eyes light up. His friend loved old movies. These two movies were among his favorites.

"I think that's a good idea."

"See, a plan has totally come together. Text Gabriel and clue him in, ask him to pack Sang's overnight bag with appropriate clothes for the weekend..." Sean shrugged as their phones logged in a group text incoming.

Owen glanced at his phone.

Sang: Family meeting over Sunday Brunch?

There was an instant flood of responses from the boys confirming the idea.

Dr. Green: Sounds good Pookie... Perhaps Mr. B will host...?

Sean grinned at him. Owen rolled his eyes. "Makes it rather convenient, don't you think?" Sean smirked.

Owen pursed his lips before smiling. "I'd get her all weekend then..." He murmured before his eyes widened and he smiled.

Mr. Blackbourne: Yes, Sunday Brunch 10 am. Miss Sorensen, I will pick you up at Mr. Lee's house tonight at 5:30.

The text chat was completely silent for almost 10 minutes.

Sang: Yes, Mr. Blackbourne. I will be ready. Thank you.

Mr. Blackbourne: No, Miss Sorensen, thank you.

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