Insane Doesn't Even Begin to Cover It... Chapter 29

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When I wake up, I have no idea where I am. The lights above me blind me when I open my eyes and I squint, trying to put my arm over my eyes to shield them until I get used to it. I can’t move my arms, however, and I start to panic.

I lift my head up and look down at my body. I’m wearing some ugly hospital gown that the doctors put on patients when they’re in treatment rooms, but… why would I be wearing one? I look around the room and realize why.

I’m in one of the doctor’s study rooms. There’s a wall made just of glass, in looks like a mirror but I know that they can see me, I just can’t see them. I put my head back down because my neck starts hurting, and then lift it back up. My arms and legs are strapped down, for whatever reason.

I want to know what the hell is going on.

Pulling at the leather straps, I try to wiggle my wrists out, but it doesn’t help, all it does is start to chafe my skin. I don’t really want to have bloody wrists, so I stop for a little bit, and try my ankles. The same thing happens and I want to scream.

I hate being tied down.

What did I do this time? All I remember is… passing out after that meeting. I did nothing to deserve to be in here.

“Just calm down Ms. Montgomery.” A voice says over the speaker and I thrash a little to show that I’m not going to fucking calm down. “Ms. Montgomery! You don’t want the nurse to come in there! Stop!” the voice says, and I thrash even more.

The door slams open and I lift my head up, glaring towards it. One of the nurses comes in, I recognize her from some of my other moments in rooms like these. She has gloves on, and her hair is tied back.

“Now honey, this is your last warning. You’re just in here for observation. If you don’t calm down I’ll have to…”

I thrash around even harder, and I feel the skin on my wrists and ankles start to bleed, I can feel the liquid start to cover my wrists. It’s not a lot of blood, but enough to where I can feel it.

The nurse reaches into her coat pocket and pulls out a syringe, and I flinch away from it, glaring even more. My back arches and I start using my nails to rip into the bedding below me. If I can get more room below the restraints, I can loosen them up.

She starts coming at me with the needle and I flinch away even more. I can’t stop her though, and the point goes into my neck, and she injects whatever liquid was in the syringe, into me.

Everything starts getting all fuzzy and I get dizzy. All of the muscles in my body start to relax and I try to fight it but it’s useless. My eyes close and I let myself fall into whatever sort of sleep they’ve put me in.


When I wake up again, I’m actually in a familiar place. Not my room, but in Becca’s office. She’s sitting at her desk, typing at her computer, looking worried.

I’m on a little couch over by the door, covered in a blanket. As soon as my eyes are open, I automatically freak out, thinking I’m still in that room, strapped down. My freak out makes me fall off the couch, and I yelp, surprised.

I sit up and run a hand through my hair, looking at Becca. She’s getting up and coming over towards me, looking happy, but still stressed.

“Oh my God! Senna, are you okay? I was so worried. I had no idea what happened to you. You didn’t come to our meeting yesterday… and I went looking. Apparently the doctors here don’t care about letting me know what is going on with my own patient.”

She pauses for breath and I stand up, brushing myself off. I was changed, yet again. But this time I’m in clothes I’m sort of used to. Sweatpants and a black t-shirt.

“Anyways, apparently when you passed out or whatever, Caden went to go look for help, and he couldn’t find me so he went to that ass, Griffin. Griffin then picked you up and took you to that observation room, telling them some lie about how you had tried to kill yourself by smothering yourself… And I think somehow one of the doctors also brought in the story that they had found a syringe hidden under your bed and that you had tried to inject yourself with something. It was all very bad.

“When I did find out about it, I got you out of there as soon as possible. I know that none of that was true. You don’t seem like the type of girl to do that.”

She pauses again, and goes back over to her desk. I follow her and sit down on the chair in front of it.

“Now, why don’t you tell me what really happened?” She asks, and hands me my notebook. I take it from her, and she smiles at me. “I found Caden in the hallway and he was carrying it around, he gave it to me to give to you. He was very worried.”

I flip it open and take the pen she offers, and start writing.

Well, after that little meeting, I was really upset. I couldn’t breathe and I was shaking and almost crying. I went back up to my room and Caden was with me, and I tried to calm down but I was hyperventilating. That’s when I passed out. And… I guess that’s when they took me.’

I say, and let her read it. She nods and smiles at me.

“Well I hope you’re okay now. I’m going to let you skip our meeting today and tomorrow, just so you can get used to everything. I know it must’ve been bad in that room, brought back a lot of bad memories. I’m so sorry you had to go through that.” She says and I smile a little, taking my notebook and pen, and turning to leave.

I’m at the door when she starts to say something again.

“Oh and don’t worry, they doctors didn’t touch you a lot.”

My breath stops and I freeze.

…They touched me?


Hope you liked it! I’m sorry I didn’t update yesterday, I was busy with stuff.

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