Chapter Two:

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It's been two days since I've seen Liam. Thank God. I've been trying to avoid him. I eat in my dorm and sit in the far back of my classes trying to hide if he walks by the door. I still have the bruises, and my stomach is still tender from where he kicked it so many times.

I was walking to my last class of the day when I saw him turn the corner. He hadn't seen me yet so I slipped into the next hall way my back agaisnt the wall. I heard his voice greeting a couple of girls in the hall way. His foot steps getting closer it's like I'm a magnet or something because his next class just happened to be in the same hall was in trying to hide from the monster. Liam caught my eye and gave me an evilish grin.

"Hey Brigit." He said making me shiver. Liam started to walk towards me until his face was only an inch or two away from mine.

"Um h-hi Liam." I said terrified. I was still pressed against the wall when his hand touched my cheek gently this only made me even more horrified. He had never done that to me before.

"I haven't seen you in a while. Have you been hiding?" He asked coldly and grin playing on his lips. I gulped trying to find the right words.

"Um well I have just been studying because I have a couple of exams in two weeks and I-" I explained but Liam only laughed knowing it was all a lie.

"Oh come on Brigit you don't expect me to believe that bullshit do you?" He said shaking his head like he was answering for me. "You don't have to hide from me Love." Love? Where the hell was this coming from? Liam never called me names like that. When ever he saw me I would turn into his little punching bag. I could never do anything about it because he's twice the size of me. If I did I would be squished like a pancake.

"Liam I need to-" But he cut me off again.

"You need to what? Get to class?" He said mockingly with a fake sad face. I nodded my head and he chuckled. "Oh why not stay and chat? I've always liked our little talks." He said. I looked around franticly trying to find something to save me.

"Liam please, not today.." I whispered tears weld up in my eyes. I don't think I could take another beating. Espeacially when I did nothing to deserve it. Liam's grin washed away into a sad smile. Like he was hurt because I was. He stepped away from me slowly.

"Okay." He said quietly nodding his head slowly and then walked away. I was so taken aback I couldn't move, I just stood there watching the monster walk away from me.


I didn't want to hurt her anymore.. Why do I have to be such a jerk? Seriously, ever since I saw her across the court yard three months ago I fell in love.

I was talking to my friend Drew when I saw her. Although I didn't even know who she was or even her name I became oblivious to everything except the beautiful dark haired girl walking my way.

Seriously Liam? Your kidding right? Felix, the voice inside my head, said snapping me back from my thoughts. Ever since I could remember he has been there, inside my head, over the past couple of years he has become more.. Angry. My parents know about him but they don't know about how agressive he's gotten.

What's wrong with her? What's the problem? I asked him. I heard him chuckle.

She'll never notice you! That's the problem Li. Look at you, you've got a voice talking to you in your head! Your crazy! And then look at her! She's beautiful and could get any guy she wants! Felix said evily, and he was right how could she notice me? He was a smart cookie though.

What can I do to get her to notice me then? I asked. Maybe I could be her secret admirer? Put flowers in her locker and writting gooey lovey doovey notes with them? Felix can also read my thoughts which is really annoying.

No! That's to cliche! You've got to bully her! That will make her notice you. Trust me! It will work. Felix said once again evily. Bully her? But I had gotten bullied when I was younger, he knows that.

Bully her? Like call her names and beat her up? I asked. I did not like where this was going.

Yeah exactly! He said. I thought for a moment. What if it worked? Maybe I could keep it up for a bit and then I'll tell her everything? I'm not so sure about this..

Are you sure she'll notice me then? I asked.

Oh she'll more than notice you, she'll even watch out for you! Felix had away with words. If he wanted you to jump off a bridge he'd be so persuasive you actually would consider doing it.

Okay. So when should I make my move? I asked.

Accidently bump into her or something. Be tough about it too. Make sure she knows to be afraid of you. Felix said.

Now this has gotten out of control. I didn't want this to go this far. Felix was getting way to out of hand. After I left Brigit in the hall way Felix was practically screaming in my head almost giving me a headache. The one thing that actually came good out of this 'voice' in my head was that I'm able to block out his voice for a period of time. Thank God.

I was already late for my third class so why bother? I headed towards the small court yard and sat down on the red bench. I thought of how I was going to explain things to Brigit.

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