Chapter Five:

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"Your seriously going to dinner with Liam Payne, the Liam Payne. The same guy that beat you for three months straight?! Did some one hit you with a brick?!" My worried roomate Emilia said with a bit of anger in her voice. She was the only one that knew about Liam. Our 'date' was tonight and it was already six, I had just enough time to take a shower and get ready. I was picking out my outfit when Emilia was yelling at me.

"Don't worry doll face. I'm not going to let him do anything. All I'm really doing is seeing if he really has changed. I'll be fine." I said taking out my terqouce shorts, my white 'Match Box Twenty' with the album 'North's art work on it and my grey beanie. It was also a crop shirt but I decided against wearing a tank top under it since it was such a warm night out. Emilia who was sitting in her desk chair watching me in the mirror looked even more worried was nervously playing with her blonde hair.

"Pinkie promise?" She said like a little child sticking out her pinkie. I laughed and turned around.

"Pinkie promise." I said looping my pinkie finger with hers. I gave her a reassuring smile but she still didn't look convinced. "Listen, I'll keep my phone on and if he trys something I'll call the police okay?" I said turning back to the mirror. Emilia relaxed just a bit and nodded her head.

"Okay. I just want you to be save B." Emilia said getting up and putting her arms around my waist and putting her head on my shoulder. She was about three or four inches taller than me. Emilia isn't a lesbian either, we just have the type of bestfriendship where we act like we're married only not so much. If that even makes any sense.

"I know Emi." I said.

Twenty minutes later I got out of the shower and quickly blow dried my hair and straightened it, put on my outfit and let Emilia do my make up since I was terrible at it.

At seven right on the dot Liam knocked on the door. I got up from my bed and answered it.

"Hey." Liam said breathlessly like he had been running but it didn't look like he had been. He had a huge smile on his face.

"Hi." I said shyly and closed the door. We started to walk to the elevator.

"Um so I was um wondering if I could change a few things." Liam said. I looked at him confused. Did he not want to go out after all?

"Um.. Okay. So we're not going out for dinner?" I asked.

"Um no. I was thinking, instead of going to dinner we would go to the fair. Or we could go out to dinner, it's just that I figured that you would want something more.. fun." Liam said. I smiled. I have always wanted a guy to take me to a fair and kiss me at the top of the feris wheel.

"Actually, a fair would be perfect." I said. Liam looked at me smiling.

"Okay." He said nodding his head, his smile never leaving his face.

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