Chapter Eight

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock played 'She's So Mean' by Match Box Twenty. I'm like obsessed with that band. I'm in love with Rob's voice.

I got up and Emilia was gone. Then I remembered that today was Saturday, that was the day she visited her family that lived twnety five miles away so I was stcuk all by myself every Saturday with nothing to do. I checked the time, eleven o'five. Since I have nothing better to do today I got up and went to take a shower since I forgot to last night because of Emilia nagging me.

"Your not telling me that you actually like him are you?" Emilia said once I closed the door on Liam. I lay down on my bed holding my stuffed panda tightly.

"Well I would say that.." I trailed off but that wasn't true at all. I was starting to like him, only a little though.

"Then what would you call it? I mean if it wasn't for me he would have kissed you!" Emilia excailmed. Emilia is half Itialian so she uses her hands while she speaks.

"You say that like it's a bad thing." I say looking at her. Emilia dropped her hands and then quickly put them ack up into the air.

"Well it would be a bad thing because if he kissed you, he wouldn't have to work for your lips!" Emilia said and I laughed. I was also praying that Liam wasn't still at the door hearing Emilia talk about him badly.

"'Work for my lips'? What does that even mean!" I laughed. Emilia scowled at me.

"You know what I mean Brigit." Emilia said. I tried getting rid of the smile that was on my face and tried to look serious.

"Okay yeah. Look, if it makes you feel better, I won't let him 'have my lips' until I know it's right and I know that he has change and I'll make him 'work for it'." I giggled. Emilia nodded her head.

"Pinkie promise?" Emilia said for the second time tonight and stuck out her pinkie. She was all about 'pinkie promises' and things like that, and so was I.

"Pinkie promise." I said looping my pinkie with hers. "And he's not that bad. He won me this cute panda." I said holding the plush toy in the air.

"Yeah I guess it's cute. You sure do love the color purple don't you?" Emilia asked. She was more of a green person which I could understand. I nodded my head.

"Yeah I do. And guess what?" I asked. Emilia cocked her head to the side and smiled.

"What?" She asked.

"He even apologized for everything. And there were these two blonde bimbo's in front of us in 'The Zipper' line that were calling me names and he stuck up for me." I said smiling.

"Wow." Emilia said like she couldn't believe it.

"Yeah. Wow." I said.

I got out of the shower and put on some clean clothes. My white denim shorts and a lilac color v-neck on and straigtened my hair. I decided to take a walk around campus. It was a gorgeous day out side which was weird for London.

I passed the anormus fountain when someone called my name.

"Brigit!" The person behind me called. I turned around to see the one and only Liam jogging towards me from across the court yard.

"Yes Liam?" I asked once he was close enough.

"Can I talk to you?" He asked breathlessly. The sun was beating down on my neck. Liam had deep blue jeans on and a white t-shirt on. I don't know how he could stand the heat and I bet all that running didn't help either.

"Um okay. Lets go to the café it's way to hot to be out here in the sun." I said. Liam smiled and we started walking to the small café that was built in to the university so students can hang out and study.

~Hello my lovely readers! What do you think of 'Payne Without Love'? Please give me feed back! If I need to change anything tell me? I know it's a cliff hanger but I really need to clean my room, I pinkie promise to update later in the week! I love you guys so so much! :*

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