Part 30: Spin the Bottle

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Today was Saturday which meant it was my day to relax. But then my phone buzzed, flashing Xander's name. I picked up and Xander started talking right away.

"Supposedly Hannah is throwing a 'Going Away' party for Ryker today since it's his last day here for a few months. It's open invite and Riley's coming with me so-"

I cut Xander off over the phone, "Nope. I'm not going. Do you not remember what happened the last time I went to a party?"

Yeah, I'd been pushed into a pool by none other than Tracey Evans. Bitch.

"Plus," I added, "I'm glad Ryker's leaving. I don't want to go to a party for the jerk. And Finn will probably be there."

"Screw him. We need to find you a guy who's real, you know?" He said.

I snorted, "Yeah, that's not working right now."

"I'll be your matchmaker if you come tonight," he said convincingly.

Honestly right now, the last thing I wanted to do was think about boys or having a boyfriend.

I shook my finger in the air even though he couldn't see it and said, "I've sworn off boys."

Now it was Xander's turn to snort, "Yeah, okay. Whatever you say, Eve. I'll be by your house at eight to pick you up."

Then the line went dead as he hung up.

Great. I was going to Hannah's house tonight for a party whether I wanted to or not. This just screamed disaster.


Thank God my mother was working tonight, otherwise she would kill be for what I was wearing. Hell, I didn't even know why I bothered since I swore off boys and all. So much for that plan, I sighed.

I'd straightened my plain brown hair down my back and pulled back my bangs so I could actually see for once. Then, I did my makeup and put on some jewelry. I had to say, I looked damn good in my tight, black long sleeved shirt and even tighter leggings with combat boots.

Xander honked his car horn from my driveway and I met him outside. I hopped in the backseat and buckled myself in when Riley turned around.

"Eve! You look great!" She exclaimed. Xander agreed.

I picked my head up from buckling myself in and said, "Pssh. Thanks."

I caught Xander's eye in the rear view mirror. It was dark outside, but I could still see the pinkish tint staining his cheeks. Who knew he could still blush around Riley?

He cleared his throat, saying, "Alright, let's go." Then he backed out of my driveway, heading down the road towards Hannah's house.

Holy crap, my breath caught in my throat when we arrived at her house. She lived in a freaking mansion! Her white marble house was at least four stories tall with two chandeliers dangling in front of the windows. The grass was perfectly manicured and trimmed bushes framed the house on either side of the front porch.

Guests were already streaming through the front door and I had heard the music booming all the way down the street. I would hate to be her neighbor.

The three of us got out of the car and headed inside. Just like in Tracey's house, the furniture in the living room had been pushed to the sides to make a dance floor. Except, this dance floor was twice the size of Tracey's. And the only music that was playing was by Two-Strings, of course.

I walked over to the makeshift dance floor with Riley and Xander close on my heels. We started dancing and I forgot all about boys and drama. I drifted away from them so they could dance together.

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