Chapter 16

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Disclaimer: All characters, places, and things pertaining to the Hogwarts book series and movies belong to J.K Rowling.... and the makers of the movies...or whoever they belong to. Just not me!

"Listen to this: 'Sometimes at night I still cry about them. I'm not ashamed to admit it.' That's my favorite." George let out a large laugh and passed the paper back to Siera.

"Personally, I think Harry's eyes are swimming with the ghosts of his past" Fred grinned sarcastically and crumpled the paper up, throwing it into the black lake.

"Hey! That right there is called pollution." Siera plopped down in between the twins, next to Angela Johnson.

"Hi Siera." Angela said witha smile. Angela was very pretty with her shiny black hair and light brown eyes.

"Hey Ang. How do you deal with these two?"Siera shook her head and rolled her eyes.

"I should ask you the same!"

"We are very easy to deal with, thank you." Fred said, throwing some dirt at them.

Angela and Siera both threw dirt back at him. Siera's clump accidentally hit George in the face.

A few minutes later they all were laying down staring up at the sky. Siera and George covered in dirt and grass, Angela and Fred wet from falling into the shallow part of the lake.

It was one of those moments where you really thought about everything. Life, the people in it, the things that happen while your living it.

For Siera it was the things.

 She and George hadn't changed much. They were friends again, if anything they were closer. But they weren't romantic. She couldn't help but feel he wanted to be. Sometimes, most of the time...almost all of the time she did too. But she was still afraid.

She didn't want to lose him as a friend. If their relationship didn't work out then they would hate eachother. Another thing, she was still unsure if he liked her. After that night they hadn't so much as touched hands.

It was as if he were giving her some space. Time to think. She was thinking, about how she would never work up the nerve to do anything herself.

The sky was really dark blue. It looked like any moment, it would open up and began to rain.

Siera glanced to her right, where George was lying. His eyes were closed, and his chest moved up and down slowly. He almost looked asleep.

She sat up slowly, staring at him with enough intensity she was surprised he didn't feel it.

Fred and Angela were whispering to eachother under their breath.  Siera layed her head on her knees and looked at George. He looked so peaceful and calm. The opposite of herself at that moment.

"Pssst Siera." Siera looked over to Angela. Who was smiling. "Listen, I hope you don't take this the wrong way. But I'm going to need you to cooperate with me and not fight back."


"Shhhhh just go with it." Angela leapt up and was on top of Siera in less than a second. "I said not to fight back!"

"Fred! Get George!"

"I know, I know. Jeez woman."

"What are you doing Fred?! Get off of me!"

"Shut up George! This is for your own good."

"My arm doesn't twist that way you idiot!"

"Well it should!"

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