Chapter 30

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When Astoria left with Lillian to go out shopping on Boxing Day, Draco felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off of his chest. He had been waiting for her to leave so that he could go off and see Kathryn again for the first time in weeks. Scorpius had gone off of with a few friends to Diagon Ally for the afternoon, which meant that Draco was a free man. He told Blaise about his plan for the so that if Astoria arrived home early, he would know, and Blaise would be able to hold her off for a while.

            Draco apperated to Kathryn’s apartment, just in time to catch her before she left some where, however Kathryn didn’t know Draco arrived until he placed a kiss on the side of her cheek, and wrapped his arms around her tiny figured waist.

            “Hey Kathryn.” He said turning her around, he eyes her up and down and saw her dressed in a knee length golden satin dress, a white winter coat, and golden heels. “Where are you going?” he asked. Kathryn smiled and pusher her bangs out of her eyes.

            “Oh, just a fashion preview at work.” Draco raised his brows.

            “You go to work dresses like this?” he asked, Kathryn nodded, “Every day?” Kathryn giggled and nodded.

            “I work for a fashion company Draco, not the Ministry, I have to dress like this.” She said. Draco raised his brows again.

            “You have to?” Kathryn shrugged.

            “Well, there are a few people that work there and have no sense of style… but who really pays attention to them? No one, other then the fashion police.” She said.

            “You in a hurry?” he asked. Kathryn nodded.


            “Oh… then I guess I should go.” He said. Kathryn grabbed his jacket, preventing him from apperating.

            “No you don’t… do you… do you want to come? I mean I understand if you don’t... but if you’d want to t—” Draco cut her off by pressing his lips on top of hers. When he pulled away, he pushed Kathryn’s bangs out of her face and nodded.

            “Yeah… I’d like to come.” He said with a smirk. Kathryn smiled brightly and grabbed his hand, dragging him out of the apartment.

            “Great, I don’t apperate to work… obviously, I walk, you don’t mind do you?” she asked.

            “No.” he said.

            “Are you supposed to be home at a certain time or something?” Kathryn asked as she and Draco walked down the hall and stepped inside the elevator. He shook his head.

            “Nah, just have to be back before Astoria gets furious.” He said watching Kathryn press the button that took them down to the lobby.

            “Where is she?” She asked leaning against the back of the elevator with her hands inside her coat pockets.

            “Out shopping with Lillian… her best friend from Hogwarts.” He said watching the elevator door open and see a few more people step inside; they gave a kind gesture to Kathryn and a nod at Draco.

            “Does she have hazel eyes, pale pinkish skin, and blonde hair?” She asked. The elevator stopped at the lobby and the door opened again and everyone stepped out.

            “Yeah, do you know her?” he asked, Kathryn shook her head.

            “Not really, but I’ve seen her a little with Astoria when they were at Hogwarts.” She said. Draco stopped for a moment and looked around the lobby.

Consider Me Gone [Draco Malfoy]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon