The fith army

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Romano got out of his bed. He glanced out of his window, still snowing. He walked over to his kitchen and prepared some iced coffee. It wasn't his favorite drink, but he was tired and hot things felt like he was drinking lava.
     When that was done, he instinctively made another. While they cooled he took some leftover pizza out of his fridge. He looked up at his freezer.
     He opened it up and stared at the broken ice shards that he once called Spain. The sorrow he felt stabbed at his heart. He closed his freezer knowing that Spain wouldn't want him to be so depressed. He took his two iced coffee drinks and walked out and off to his dining room. As he drank his coffees and ate his pizza he noticed that his walls were littered with pictures of Spain and himself. He also noticed that he wasn't happy in anyone of them. Was he really that upset all the time? No, all of his memories with Spain he enjoyed.
     When he was done with his breakfast and done cleaning up after himself, he took all of his pictures with Spain and all of Spain's possessions and placed them in his fire place. He lit a match and watched as they burned. He too burned, but he brushed it off.
     He heard a knock at his door. He got up to see who it was.
     "Hello Romano-" Canada stopped for a moment, "what are you burning?"
     "Nothing important. What do you want?"
     "America's dead and Britain's missing. Heat will make you die faster, it's better to freeze everything!" Canada walked in and put out the fire.
     "Why would you care about whether or not I die? I'm sure everyone else wouldn't even bat an eye."
     "I care because we're friends! And I'm sure Italy and Greece care too. You can't just give up like this!"
     Romano thought of his brothers for a moment, "they have their own problems. So do you. Go home."
     "If I go, you'll try to kill yourself again. The ice on your face hasn't spread, you have time. If you won't live for me then live for Spain."
     Romano glanced at his freezer, "fine.. But I want to bring him back. There has to be a way."
     Canada looked at Romano's freezer, "did you manage to salvage his shards?"
     "As much as I could."
     Canada clutched on a shard of France that he had kept, "ok, we'll try to bring him back."

     Antarctica hung two dolls. Switzerland and Lichtenstein. He got to work on a Japan doll. He really didn't want to kill everyone, but something inside him told him that as long as they lived, he'd be even closer to death.
     "Once everyone is gone I'll make a doll of myself..." His voice was soft.
     A raspy voice took its place, "no, we've been alone all our life, we can continue making dolls, but not ourself, that would kill all the fun of our victory."
     "Why do you want to do this? There's no point to it."
     "I'm helping us live! Don't you see? Killing off Russia was only the beginning! Everyone's dropping!"
     "What if I invited everyone to live here? Then I could at least see if they need to die. Killing off innocent people feels wrong."
     "Fine then..."

     All Norway and Romania could confirm was that the cold was a friend and that they were turning into ice.
     "I give up. There's nothing we can do." Romania slumped down in his chair.
     "Well, with that attitude we won't get anywhere. I suggest just moving somewhere cold while we figure out what to do." Norway looked to be made completely of ice.
     "I guess that would help, I'll spread the news." He got up, he too was made entirely of ice.
     Moldova rolled in on his wheelchair, "how's it going?"
     "We're all going to visit Antarctica. Your brother's making sure it's ok to go."

     Ukraine though of her younger siblings' deaths. She didn't think it was fair for everyone she loved to die as they had; but as much as she desired a happy life with everyone she held dear, it was not to be.
     Her phone rang, she didn't recognize the number, but picked it up anyway, "Hello?"
     "Hi, it's Antarctica calling to tell you that to prolong your life with out pain is to come over, our current temperature is at -10 degrees Celsius. I highly advise this for all who are still alive." She heard him hang up. She immediately called Lithuania and Latvia to tell them the news. They called Finland and Poland, who in turn called everyone who they knew was alive.
     She packed a few days worth of clothes. Before she left she noticed an old photo of her family. She picked it up, tears fell upon the image, blurring parts of it. The picture showed Russia smiling like normal, Belarus was calm, and the more Ukraine stared at the picture, the more she missed her dear family. She looked so happy and carefree in the picture, she wondered where it all went wrong.

     Romano and Canada were in a plane, they were going to Antarctica as requested. Canada was kinda happy to know that at least one of his brothers was out there doing all he could. Romano on the other hand was depressed and wished that he could trade places with Spain. He wondered if Spain would have reacted the same. His mind concluded that Spain would continue smiling and act positive. Spain was always happy, why would one small death change that?
    "Are you ok Romano?" Canada asked.
     "You don't seem that way, it's ok to talk aboot it."
     "No... I'm fine, really..." He glanced out the window.

    "Please Austria, it wouldn't hurt to trade our halves of Italy!" Spain sounded truly honest. As Romano listened in, he couldn't help but feel miserable. It wasn't common for Austria to visit, but when he did Romano was reminded of how much Spain disliked him.
     "No, your half of Italy is yours and mine is mine, now I came to talk about-"
     Romano stopped listening. He walked off to his room and locked the door behind him, "stupid Spain! I hate him! Why does he insists on giving me away? Why doesn't Austria even want me? It's not fair! I can be just as good as my idiot brother. They'll see!"
     The next day, Romano was cleaning the house while Spain wasn't home. He thought Spain would be proud of him. When he finished, he waited at the door. The house was spotless, for once, Romano didn't mess up.
      When Spain got home, it was late and Spain looked annoyed and hurt.
     "Spain! I cleaned the house! Are you proud?" He asked, desperately craving anything positive from his care giver.
     "Go to bed Romano. I'm not in the mood to deal with your shit. If you're not gonna go to do anything useful then leave." The first harsh words Spain had ever spoken mauled Romano's heart. He ran off and slammed his door.
     Once the door was locked, Romano angrily paced around ranting about how much he'd done and how hard he worked. He eventually grew tired and went to bed.
     Still angry when he woke up, he decided to leave. Spain clearly didn't want him around, why stay? He got dressed and quietly left the house.
     It was hot that day and Romano had gotten lost. He had been trying to find someone, anyone other than Spain, but to no avail. He stopped and found a shady spot to take a break in. He regretted not eating that night as his stomach growled loudly. He eventually started to cry as he thought more about Spain. He tried to be nothing but good, why didn't Spain like him?
     Hours had passed and Romano was helplessly sobbing in hunger and sorrow. He wanted Spain to help him, but Spain didn't like him, no one did.
     "Romano!" A distressed voice called. He recognized Spain's voice and quickly hid in a bush. Spain couldn't be too pleased.
     "Romano please! I'm sorry I yelled at you!" Spain sounded upset and it puzzled the still crying Romano.
     Hours later, the sun was setting, Romano was lying down next to a fallen tree. He refused to go back to Spain's house. Not after He'd run off like he did.
     "Romano!" He heard Spain call. He didn't have the strength to hide this time. He hadn't eaten in ages and his stomach hurt. Spain heard Romano's stomach growl. He found Romano, and he was filled with joy and relief, "Romano! Thank goodness you're ok! I thought you'd been killed!" He picked the small nation up, "you had me so worried!"
     "You stupid jerk! I hate you! Put me down!" Romano snapped. Spain put him down and handed him a tomato. Romano quickly ate it.
     "I'm sorry I yelled at you yesterday, I didn't mean what I said, I really didn't!"
     "You were also begging for Austria to trade me for my brother! How could you?!"
     "Lovino, you know what your brother has that you don't? Nothing. But you on the other hand are stronger. I was about your age when I grew up and became the independent nation I an today. When the day comes, and you revolt against me, I don't want to be your enemy. But if you stay with me, I will be."
     "Then why do you want my brother?"
     "Romano, adults are greedy bastards, you know this. Everyone is always going to want your brother." Romano nodded, understanding what his care giver spoke of.
     "I'm still mad at you though, what you did just wasn't cool." He huffed angrily.
     Spain hugged him, "I know, and I don't expect you to ever forgive me, you had been so helpful. I really don't deserve you." Romano hugged him back. Spain really did care for him.

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