☆ one ☆

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"the government has now made peace with the extraterrestrial beings, and these outer space aliens will be able to stay on earth for awhile."

the reporter gave a fake smile and disappeared as the television went to commercials. the latest controversial topic everyone was talking about was the new life-form that had landed on earth a couple of months ago. many people were wary about the idea of letting them stay, afraid war would start and the planet would be doomed. others were very open to the idea of new life on earth, and thought of it as something the world needed. either way, the aliens were here, and they would be staying for a while.

the television was turned off with a grunt, and jungkook flinched, taking two steps back.

"aliens, huh? i'll be damned if the planet we live on makes it another year with these intruders," his father slurred. jungkook's father was a fairly tall man that swore like a sailor and always had a can or bottle of alcohol in his hand. jungkook was saving money to move out, but a minimum-wage paying job wasn't doing him any good. he needed enough money to pay at least two months worth of rent with a little extra to buy other things like groceries. jungkook didn't know how much more he could take of his father's yelling and drinking.

soon, jungkook's father was passed out on the couch, the beer in his hand now empty. jungkook sighed and grabbed a blanket, tossing it over him. he pried the bottle from the man's hand and threw it away. jungkook couldn't take how much the man yelled, but he still loved his father. he walked to his bedroom and went inside, gently closing the door behind him. he went to his record player and put one of his records on it, turning it on and carefully placing the needle at the edge of the record. he stared at the record spinning for a moment before sitting down at the edge of his bed and humming the soft tune. the sun was starting to set, the sky turning oranges and pinks. jungkook stood up and was about to get under the covers when he heard a knock on his window. he turned his head and saw the silhouette of a boy. before jungkook could even get closer to the window, the window was opened and the boy jumped in.

jungkook started to walk back, his heart racing. the boy got closer and jungkook could faintly make out purple hair and big pink eyes. finally, jungkook bumped into the wall behind him, and the boy started to speak.

"you're human, right?" the boy questioned. jungkook slowly nodded.

"i'm taehyung, and i'm not from around here,"


wowowow that was short. sorry for any skips or rushes in dialogue or setting, again this is my first time trying to write a full story and i'm pretty much coming up with what happens next and all that on the spot. once the story is completely done i will edit it and revise it so it looks better and is easier to read. is it good so far? please tell me if i made any errors and give me opinions so i can make it better :-) thank you for reading! - jadey ☆

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