The return

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He knew how I felt. His other half was gone. I knew he was sensitive he is when it comes to people's fate with their other halves.

"It's ok. You're better than him. He doesn't deserve you." Fane told me sternly.

"But I was made for him! I'm just as bad as he is!" I cried.

"No! Jamie you are better than that cheating asshole and he doesn't deserve you. You need someone better in you're life to take care of you than him. He can have his little toy but will never enjoy you!" He grabbed my shoulders and shook them slightly to make his point


"No Alice listen to me!"

"Alice Fanes right. That cheating non caring asshole can go do his cheating on someone els because you don't need him. You deserve better!" Jamie told me sternly.

"You're right and I know you're right it's just we were made for each other."

"No! Guys we are leaving right now!" Alex told us all sternly.

"Yeah, common lets get out of this hell hole of a town."

We packed our bags, grabbed some muffins, and sped away. I couldn't help the tear that slid down my cheek.

The people in this car were now my family. I couldn't go back home. It didn't feel right, I didn't belong there.

"Guys, I wanna live in Texas!" I announced.

"Alright." Fane took out a map and marked the route we would take to get there.

"Why texas?"

"I hate the cold, plus I love horses and always wanted to live on a ranch."

"Okay then."

'Unknown POV'

"No! Get off me!" I screeched.

"Who was that?"

"It was her my soul mate!"

"Oooo awkward!" The girl on my bed sang.

"Get out just get the hell out!"

She grabbed her things and scurried out the door. Slamming the door with a huff.

I whipped out my phone and called my buddy.

"Hey man what's up?"

"I need you to find someone for me!"

"Oh no hi, or hey, or please."

"Paul!" I growled through the phone."

"Okay! Okay! Who is it?"

"It's her my soul mate."

"Oh ok. Why she leave?"

"She saw me making out with another girl."

"Oh that's not good. What's her name?"

"I don't know she just walked in screamed at me then ran."

"What does she look like?"

"She's about 5'7" long brown hair and brown eyes. Her necklace is in the shape of the sun."

"Okay umm that's not a lot of help. Do you know where she's from or who she's traveling with?"

"No like I said she ran in ran out."

"Okay go ask the lady at the front desk what her name was and who she was traveling with."

"Ok i'll call you back." I hung up the phone and ran down the stairs.

"Hey can you tell me the name of the girl with the other half of this necklace?" I asked the lady at the front desk showing her my necklace.

"Umm. The room she was in was under the name.... Fane."

"The room she 'was' in?"

"Yes she just left nay a few minuets ago."

"Do you know where they're going?"

"No idea."

I told her thanks and walked back to my room to call my friend back.

"Hey Paul."

"Hey Hunter."

"The room they were in was under the name Fane."

"Do you know what he looks like?"

" i'll call you right back."

I hung up and sprinted down the stairs again.

"Hey what did this Fane guy look like?"

"Ummm he had long black hair, bright green eyes, and was maybe 6' tall." The lady up front said.

"Ok thank you."

I took out my phone and called Paul back.

"Okay. This Fane dude has black hair. Green eyes. And is about 6' tall."

"Okay give me half an hour to find him and i'll call you back. Bye."

We hung up and I walked back to my room.

Alice's POV

We had been driving for about 4 hours when we stopped to get lunch at a Pizza Hut in Kansas.

"So we're really going to Texas?" I said around the pizza in my mouth.

"Yeah why not. Not like we have anything better to do."

I still hurt. It wasn't fair I didn't get my mate. Well not that I didn't get him. I didn't want him. He hurt me bad and I can't forgive him for that. He is supposed I love me no matter what and vice versa. But what he did was to much and I can't forgive him for that.

"So now we have to drive through the test of Kansas and Oklahoma till we reach a spot in Texas you want to live in."

"We should get driving again then if we want to reach Texas by Monday." Jamie told us.

We packed up the left over pizza for later and got on the road again. Today was Saturday so we planned to be in Texas by Monday to look for apartments.

We found a restaurant connected to a hotel and stayed there for the night.

"Good night guys." I said after I got out of the shower.

I threw myself on a random bed and instantly fell asleep.





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