Never The Same

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Chapter Four: Never The Same

It was never the same after we found out that dad was really dead. That there was no hope of him coming back to life. Yet it pained to know as to what happened. To know that something like this could happen yet there was nothing to be done by it. What was done was done.

Stiles busied himself with the cooking as Levi sat on the kitchen table drawing things. Stiles hummed a tune as Levi lets out his ears and tail, his tail swiping with the beat of the hum. "Papa" Stiles looked towards Levi "what is it baby?" Levi stopped drawing and looked up. "Um there's this thing in our school next week Monday. I was wandering wether you where free and could attend..." Stiles smiled "of course why wouldn't I want to go" Levi beemed at teh decision "papa I also promised that uncle Xavier was going to come" Stiles froze.

"Huh? What do you mean" Stiles slowly looked towards Levi who had a big smile on his face, "well it is a family thing and since uncle Xavier was free I asked him. Why papa do you don't want him to come?" Stiles shook his head "of course not baby" Stiles walked over and kissed him on teh head. Stiles went back to cooking his mind going elsewhere.

After what happened Xavier wasn't really the same, Stiles sighed inwardly. The doorbell rang making Levi stop drawing. He sticks his nose up in the air and looks towards Stiles "papa?" Stiles bit his lip went over to Levi "I want you to go up to your room and stay there until papa calls for you okay?" Levi nods as he hops of the chair and races up the stairs.

The doorbell rang once again, Stiles ran towards the kitchen drawers and fished out for his two guns. Grabbed the bottle of mountain ash as he heads towards the door. Placing one hand with the gun behind his back, Stiles grabbed the door handle and twisted it. Flinging it open Stiles took a step back in shock.

Who could it be?...

Definitely not Xavier...

Why would Stiles be surprised if it was Xavier?...


Very peculiar don't you think?...

Ohh I might have an idea as to who it could be?...




That reminds me...

I'm up to season four...

So freaking sad...

Erica died...

Boyd died...

Allison died...

Peter didn't die...


Then there was Malea?...

I think that's how you spell her name?...

Then their Kate?...

Of for the love of God...

The b*tch did not die?...

I a kill murder very soon...


Didn't she die?...


Those who support me...

Say aye...

Those who want Kate to be alive?...

Be very afraid...

For their will be a dozen of million of ghosts coming knowing at your doorstep...

Does anyone agree with me that Xavier is kinda bit...

You know...

I mean you know the crazy obsess thing towards Stiles...




Until we meet again...

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