Chapter 1 - Help! I'm Insane

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Alrighty, so this is the first chapter! hopefully you guys likey, cus I feel like this is the road I wanna head through, since the first book was more of a sweet, and this is the bad side of it, not like in bad that you won't want to read it, but more as in badass. Anywho, please vote if you like it, and let me know in the comments if you did and what are your thoughts about this story so far!

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c h a p t e r  1  -  H e l p !  I ' m  I n s a n e .

I remember when the world was normal. 

I remember when I would always work at night at the supermarket near my apartment and the college I attended to. My parents would be watching over me in the sky, and I would always tell them that I’m fine. If they could even hear me. I remember when I would go home and listen to my favorite bands while doing my college work. The dreams of becoming a writer, either a scripted writer, or maybe do manga. I mean, I love doing random stuff. Literally, I got diverse creativity. Not being cocky or anything, I guess I love doing a lot of stuff. Well that was me back then. I would have to worry about paying the bills in time, making sure to go to college early, going to work. But now, burdens were lifted off my back. Literally, I don’t have to worry about bills no more, getting to college or work early, but I do definitely have to worry about finding food through the wreck-edges of earth. 

And well, staying alive, of course.

But then I remember, the world wasn’t normal anymore.


“Ex, your shift is over. You can leave now!” Marie Anne, shouted from the mini storage room we had in the meat section, from the supermarket.

“Humph,” I smile, and take off my gloves that were stained with blood, from the remains of pigs I’ve slaughtered. This is my everyday job, I can not complain, it’s not that I am sensible when it comes to blood. Because that is not the case, the smell, or sight of blood and gore is nothing to me. It does horror me in a way, but somehow, I live with it. I mean, come on, I’ve worked at this supermarket for months now. And, since I was hired from the Meat Department, and I get payed well enough to maintain shelter and food, I’m totally fine.

“Alright Marie, see you tomorrow!” I shouted back, putting on my jacket, and grabbing my bag. 

“Kay!” She shouted back.

I smile and head out from the exit, darkness surrounding me. I glance down at my phone, and see it to be about nine sharp. The moon stood high in the sky, illuminating my path. Wind brushed past me, causing me to shiver and pull hard onto my jacket. Looking down at my phone, I walk straight, by the sidewalk. 

Since it was a mid october, it began to get chillier. And I actually prefer cold, than hot. It’s better in its own way I guess. But I could not complain, the apartment I stayed at was close to where I work, and where I go to school at. Well, College. Yep, so it makes much more sense why I work at a Supermarket. Well, not only a supermarket, but Starbucks also. I need much more money that I can get, for college of course. 

You see, I, have a tough life to go through. And well, I just... Don’t know where to start... 

But all I know is that, I am hungry.

I glance over my shoulder, seeing an open restaurant across the block. I smile, and cross the street, knowing there was a red light. As I walked towards the restaurant, I checked my phone once again.

- New Messages-

My thumb scrolls down upon my phone’s screen to see, Mariella Faning, and Evelynda Perry. I chuckle, and open the door, only for a bell to ring through the restaurant. I look up, and walk inside, heading towards an empty booth near the glass window. I sit down, and open up my bag at once, immediately seeing notebooks and pencil cases. And... as I dig through it, I stumble across a picture frame. My lips turn into a frown, noticing the picture. 

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