Chapter 25...

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I woke up feeling like absolute shit. I sit up groaning slightly, I look down noticing Harry's actually in bed when I wake up, which is a surprise.

I get up grabbing my clothes then lock myself in the bathroom. I make sure It's locked before jumping in the shower.

I wash the rest of Louis off of me then got out dressing myself in some daggy clothes then walked out into Harry bedroom noticing he's gone. He must have woken up, I breath out as I make my way downstairs. My fears have came to life.

I look around finding no one except Liam. He smiles at me as I approach the kitchen.

" good morning" he smiles handing me a plate of food. I shake my head pushing the plate away.

" no thank you. Where is everyone?" I ask still looking at the food, I'm confused why I have lost my appetite, I'm usually eating non stop.

" there out getting afew things, so we can take down the squad" he says washing some dishes. I nod understanding.

" since we know where there hide out is, we are instructed not to leave the house" he says before walking back upstairs, probably taking a shower.

My eyes are sore along with the rest of my body. I would have never guess that Louis would do something so harsh. It's hard to process that I was raped.

I hear the front door open and many foot steps entering the room. I walk out into the lounge room noticing everyone. My eyes follow to Louis, he's looking down not meeting my eyes. I scoff and look at Harry his eyes already on me.

He give me a small smile which I gladly return.


1 week later...

Being stuck in this house for the whole week was clearly toucher. I sit up in bed feeling the same light headed feeling from the day before. I groan leaning my head on my knees, the pain was unbearable, but I could deal with it. At least I think I can.

Harry and the boys were out getting the last of the supplies we need to take down the police squad.
Which they've been doing the whole week, leaving me with Liam or perrie. Louis hasn't spoke or looked at me once since that night. Which doesn't bother me, but I can tell he feel guilty.

I get up from the bed groaning again when I try to stretch. I make my way downstairs to the lounge room where perrie is sitting on one of the sofas.

I smile at he taking a seat on the other couch. I sigh leaning back against the seat.

" what's wrong?" She asks, I shrug leaning up to look to her.

" I've been feeling light headed, I'm just catching a flew or something" I shrug again feeling as if I'm overreacting.

" Payton. I heard you the other night when we were alone. Please tell me I won't say anything to Harry" she begs taking a seat on the same couch, next to me. I shake my head quickly my eyes widening.

" I can't. I'm sorry" I whisper watching my finger.

" seriously tell me, I'll help you please" she begs again.

" he will kill me, and probably him to" I whisper out again, continuing to play with my hands. I look up to see perrie wide eyes. I scoff quickly shaking my head.
" I didn't cheat" I speak. She sighs relief.

" then what happened Payton" she says sternly taking one of my hands in hers. I look down again, finding it hard to speak.

" Louis. He ahh" my lips then trembles feeling the fresh tears pour over my eyelids.

" fuck. No he did not" she spits quickly standing up.
" was he uhh your first?" She asks carefully. I shake up head now looking up at her. She runs a hand through her hair pacing.

" I should have been here. I'm so so sorry Payton" she then kneels down beside me. I shake my head at her.

" it's not your fault" I whisper. She scoffs looking down to my stomach then back up to my eyes.

" did he use a co-"

" WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I jump back, perrie quickly standing and backing away Harry then coming into view.

" what's wrong" he asks wiping the tears from under my eyes.

" I just fell down the stairs. It hurt but I'm fine" I lie. He squints at me clearly not buying the lie.

" where's the bruises?" He asks raising an eye brow.

" it was only three steps" I shrug, he huffs clearly annoyed then stands back up to his feet.

" I don't like liars Payton. But I'll let this one. Just one slide" he spits walking away. I sigh leaning back into the couch.

" we need to get you a pregnancy test Payton" perrie whispers to me before walking away. My eyes widen, not even taking the possibility that I could be pregnant.

With Louis' or Harry's baby. Harry would surly kill me either way. I couldn't be pregnant, I'm still so little.


I will be updating tomorrow xx please like and comment :)

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