Chp 15: Enjoy the ride

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Michonne's P.O.V

Today has been a long day and I'm glad to get rest but I surely will be taking my shift tomorrow. After spying on Rick and the Blonde girl for awhile, I know she is nothing but trouble. I gotta stop it now before she gets to close to him.

I sat on the edge of the bed and listened to the boys yelling next door, about only god knows what. Their words were slurred and the only things I heard was, "Dude you're dumb! Batman is way better than Superman."

Which was not true, but Carl is entitled to his own opinion.

I watched Rick leave the field and Jolene run after him for a hug.

He gave her a small hug and she smiled like an idiot. Those are my hugs!

For the first time today, I realized I wasn't smiling.

I heard the door shut downstairs, and Rick walk up the stairs in his boots.

He walked in the room and I stared at him with my 'wtf' eyes.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he asked

"Nothing." I sat back against the bed, folded my arms and pouted me lips.

He sat beside me and took off his boots and his belt,
"You say nothing is wrong but I something is. So what's up?"

I still didn't say a word so he sighed and held his head down.

"Who was that girl, working with you?" I asked, in a harsh tone.

"Jolene, she's --- wait.. Is that what you're upset about?" he looked at me confoundedly and smirked,
"Michonne, I'm all yours. You don't have to worry."

I wanted to cry because Rick is all I really have left in this world and I couldn't bear to lose him.

Rick leaned in and pulled me closer to him. "I love you, more than I love myself but nonetheless and I wouldn't leave you for anything, okay?"

I could feel the tears drip down my face and I couldn't speak so I just nodded my head,

"Rick, will you hold me tonight?" I asked, through silent sobs.

He looked at me in all seriousness and kissed my cheek, "of course."

We stared at each other for a while until there was a knock at our door.


He stepped in and looked at me, "Meesh are you okay?"
He was was so worried and I could sense it.

"I- I'm okay Carl."

He walked over and hugged me and After his long embrace he began speaking for what ever reason he was here for,

"So as you know, Jay's birthday is in two days.."
Rick and I nodded and he continued,
"I was thinking maybe we could do something special for him, like a cake and we could say some kind words.."

I smiled at how adorable Carl was trying to plan an event, I've never seen him be so sweet.

"Like you know.. Daryl, Rosita and Denise are going on a run tomorrow and I wanted to know if I could go maybe... I could totally grab a present or something while I'm at it."

I looked at Rick and he nodded his head, "yeah, but you be safe. Stay with Daryl. And let me know what I could do for Jay." He said

"Just write a speech."

"I'm not good at those, Carl." 

"Dad just do it. Do it for Jay. You too Michonne."

"I'll get right to it." I smiled

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