Quidditch World Cup

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  I was rudely woken up by someone chucking cold water on me, I screamed and waved my arms about hitting the person that woke me, they fell to the side with an oof! I sat up and looked to them. "Oh my god! Fred, I'm so sorry!" I fussed helping him up as he rubbed the side of his face where I had hit him.
"That's okay Love, I just came in to tell you it's time to get up but you're a really heavy sleeper." I stood up and shooed him out the door so I could get changed but he kept insisting he should stay, I ended up kicking his rump out the door. I was cheering for Ireland so I got dressed into a Rolling Stones t-shirt, jeans, green jersey and wore shamrock earrings . I hopped downstairs into the kitchen where everyone was, I kissed Fred's cheek and sat down next to him.

After Mrs Weasley's delicious breakfast and after she caught Fred and George smuggling our new creations into their pockets and threw them away, we started heading to the portkey. "You're lucky I'm the best girlfriend in the world." I whisper, pulling a bag of our products out of my camping bag. They both looked at me in awe and hugged me. We've been walking for what felt like hours and I'm close to collapsing because I'm so tired. "Freddie can I have a piggy-back?" I asked childishly. He began chuckling as he passed his bag to George and bent down so I could hop on his back. When I was on his back I kept teasing George because he was shorter than me for once. When he had enough he huffed off and I lent my head of Fred's shoulder, trying not to fall asleep.

We stopped and I looked up, Mr Weasley was talking to a man roughly the same age as him. I climbed off Fred's back and stood next to 'Mione and Ginny. "Hey." They said as Mr Weasley and this guy continued to talk. Out of no where someone dropped out of the tree and landed next to me, I screamed and jumped. I looked to the person that was standing next to me and saw Cedric Diggory giving me a flirty smile. Ha! As if I'd leave Fred for him! "Hello Black." He said charmingly.
"Diggory." I nodded and turned back to the group that had began walking.
"So.... What are you like?" Cedric asked, adamant on continuing a conversation with me.
"Excuse me?" I said confusedly.
"What are you like, who is Annabelle Black?" He asked enthusiastically.
"Well I'm 16, a Gryffindor, chaser for the team, an E grade student (E grade is good in the wizarding world because it means Exceeding Expectations.) My favorite colour is turquoise and the person starring daggers at you is my boyfriend." I say matter of factly, noticing Fred glaring at us I point over to him.
"Oh you already have a boyfriend." Cedric said glumly, walking up ahead.
"What did he want?" Fred asked as we reached the top of a hill.
"Oh, he just wanted to be my boyfriend until I told him I had you." I said sweetly, entwining our fingers and going up on tip toes to kiss his nose. He huffed and grabbed a hold of a manky old boot, I grabbed a hold of it and there was a tugging feeling behind my nose. I held on for dear life until Mr Weasley told us to let go. "WHAT?!?" I screamed.
"Let go!" He yelled again, I let go putting full faith into Mr Weasley that I don't die. I land on something solid but squidgy, I look at what I landed on and giggle. "Hey there Freddie, thanks for breaking my fall." I say rolling off him.
"You're welcome." He said hoarsely, trying to regain the breath that has been knocked out of him.

Mr Weasley lead us through the crowd of quidditch supporters to a small, shabby looking brown tent. I looked back at Fred and George to see them looking as confused as I was. I walked in and it was like the TARDIS (bit of Doctor Who ;) ) it was so big on the inside, there was a large living room space, 3 rooms for everyone to share, a kitchen and a dining room. The twins and I sat at the table as Ron went straight for the kitchen. "Ron get out of the kitchen we're all hungry." Mr Weasley said to Ron.
"Yeah get out of the kitchen Ron!" The twins and I said in unison, I was getting good at doing this with them, we all went to put our feet up on the table till Mr Weasley spoke to us. "Feet off the table."
"Feet off the table!" We all yelled at the same time, slowly lowering our feet from the table until Mr Weasley turned his head and we continued to put our feet on the table anyway. I could tell already that this trip will be amazing 

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