The Unforgivable Class

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The next morning I reluctantly got up and shuffled my feet to the bathroom where I looked in the mirror and saw I looked like a troll; my eyes were red and puffy and my hair was very messy. I didn't bother putting concealer on because it would just make me look worse seeing as I have no desire to put effort into anything right now. However I did wash my face which made my eyes slightly less puffy but they still were slightly red. I brushed my hair and pulled into a loose plait, I pulled on my uniform for classes today and dragged myself down to breakfast. I sat at the Gryffindor table with Ginny and Hermione but I wasn't very hungry so I only took a slice of toast so the others didn't worry about me. I nibbled on the toast as Hermione and Ginny gave me sympathetic looks. "Guys I'm not dying stop looking at me like that. I'm fine." My voice cracked and it sounded so different, it was struggling to even be heard and the hall wasn't that full. I took a sip of juice and continued to nibble on my toast.

I waited outside Defense standing on my own. Fred and George were on the other side of the corridor laughing and joking about. I didn't like the new Defense teacher he was really creepy and his lessons so far have been unbearable, he's taught us about the dark forces and stuff like that, 'Mione said that in their very first lesson he taught them the unforgivable curses. He hasn't taught us them, yet.

He called us all in and I sat down at my desk with Angelina in front of Fred, her in front of George. "Can anyone tell me an Unforgivable curse!" Professor Moody bellowed from the front desk. 'Here we go.' I thought as Stacy Barton, a Hufflepuff, gingerly raised her hand into the air. "Miss Barton." She cleared her throat and said cautiously.
"Errm, the Imperius curse." Moody nodded and walked over to his desk where he had a jar of large spiders, he took one out of the jar and laid it on his palm. "Imperio!" He hissed, he then controlled the spider and made it fly around the room, bumping into shelves, desks, walls, students until he made it nearly kill itself. He returned it back to his hand and requested another curse, this time Lewis Barnes, a shy Ravenclaw, raised his hand. "C-Cruciatus." He stuttered, an evil grin grew in Moody's deranged face and he set the spider down on Lewis' desk in front of him. "Crucio!" He spat. The spider began to writhe and scream in pain. I squirmed in my seat as I remembered what I saw twelve years ago.

~Flash back~
I heard screaming coming from the kitchen, downstairs, of my home in Godric's Hollow. I got out of bed and grabbed Sargent Snuffles, a stuffed dog my Mum bought me when I was a baby, though I'm only three now so it was still fairly new. I hopped down the stairs quietly, clutching Sargent Snuffles closer to my chest. I walked past the living room and to the kitchen door that was left slightly ajar, I peered through the gap to see my Mum on the ground crying and someone with a dark cloak looming over her brandishing their wand. "Where are they? Where are the Potters?!" The figure asked, my mother cowered on the floor, obviously in pain. "I already told you I don't know." She cried back, the man tsk-ed and waved his wand. My Mum screamed in pain as she was hit with a curse. "I will ask you one last, god damn, time! Where are the Potters?!?" The man spat, Mum stopped squirming on the floor and started breathing heavily. I clutched onto Snuffles harder as he soaked up my tears. "I-I d-don't know, I-I'm not fr-friends with them." She whimpered that was a lie we always went round Uncle James and Auntie Lily's house, well, we did before the bad people came. "As you lie to me you lie to the Dark Lord himself." The hooded figure raised his wand one last time. "Avada kedavera!" He yelled, Mum slumped to the ground and laid there limp, I couldn't see her chest rise and fall. The figure disappeared and I was left alone in the house with my mother's dead body.
~End of flash back~
When I came out of memory not much time had passed, Lewis was pale and looked really uncomfortable in his seat, he was shaking and twitching. "Stop! Stop it, can't you see he's uncomfortable! Stop!" I screamed at Moody. His wicked gaze snapped to me and he stopped the curse, the spider relaxed once again on the table. He picked up the spider and placed it in front of me on my desk. "Can you give me the last curse, Miss Black?" He growled. I shook my head as tears formed in my eyes and I refused to make eye contact with him. "Avada kedavera!" He yelled and the spider went limp on the desk. I grabbed my bag and ran out of the classroom with tears flowing freely down my face. I ran down the hall until I bumped into Cedric. "Anna?" He asked confusedly before I threw myself into his arms crying. "I hate Defense Against the Dark Arts." I sobbed as I cried onto his shoulder and he rubbed circles on my back. I sobbed for a while as Mum's scream echoed in my ears.

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