5; The Slayer

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'Static' by CAZZETTE

"Now, these things you let me bear for too long. 

So now you think it was there, I was wrong."

I stared at the alarm clock on my nightstand. I had woken up around three this morning. I rolled over in bed and looked at the blank ceiling. I was lost in thought, mostly about last night.

Klaus saved my life. Why? I'm not the doppelganger, I don't mean a thing to him. I'm nothing. Yet he saved me saying that "this isn't all he wanted". What does that even mean? The memory played on repeat in my head, trying to understand why he would save me.

Finally annoyed at the blaring alarm clock, I hit it, causing the alarm to shut off. I threw my covers off of me and headed to the bathroom. I got dressed in running clothes and put my hair in a ponytail.

My reflection in the mirror stared back at me. My eyes hollow and tired, skin pale, and body weak from the lack of sleep. Another question raked through my mind; Why'd he leave? He saved me and left like it was no big deal.

It was.

To me, it was.

A sigh left me involuntarily and I left my bedroom. I was back at my family home with my brother and sister. Elena exited the room when I was at the top of the stairs. I gave her a small smile.

"Are you sure you want to go for a run today? Shouldn't you sleep in?" she asked worriedly.

"Elena, I'm fine. All healed up, remember?" I chuckle, walking down the stairs.

"Harper, you were-" Elena started, following after me.

"I know. I just don't really want to think for now. I may want to start martial arts training again," I tell her.

"You haven't trained since seventh grade," Elena stated.

"Might as well start again. I know the basic stuff still, but I think we both need to defend ourselves," I shrug.

"I agree, but I'm going to be training with Alaric to become a vampire hunter. Wanna join that instead?" She asks.

"Not particularly, but sure." I sigh, walking out of the front door and beginning to jog. "Have a mile preference today?" I ask.

"I was thinking two miles."

"Two miles it is."

Elena and I were quiet. I didn't want to talk about Klaus. I was angry, depressed, and frustrated at the situation I was left with. Klaus and I had gotten close, I wasn't going to lie about that if I was asked. He and I had a connection that I can feel, but can't begin to grasp the reason why.

Elena and I were almost at our mile marker, so we began to sprint. We halted to a breathless stop as Elena's watch beeped. We hit our time. We turned around to see a hooded man running towards us.

"Elena, let's go."

We sprinted as fast as we could, the adrenaline flowing through our veins. We rounded a corner and stopped, breathless. We looked back, waiting to see the man. Elena and I panted and felt slightly embarrassed at our paranoia.

The two of us looked at each other and turned to begin our run again just to bump straight into the hooded man. "Excuse me," the man smiled, panting as he took out his earbuds. "I should have been watching where I was going," he apologized.

"Don't worry about it," I assure him.

"Have a nice day," he grants us as he begins to run again.

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