To the Beach

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Are we there yet i am sooo bored!!!
"Shut up and sit back down we will get there when we get there so calm down." Jeff you are just so rude all the time what is your problem i know maby if i poke you you will smile!! "Don't even think about it shorty unless you want to go missing when we are at the beach" you're not any fun fine I will just listen to my music for the rest of the ride.( I will update my story on Wattpad drowned BenX reader so far ben died and the reader has moved on and is dating sonic exe and they are going on vacation the reader has totally forgot about ben because that ben is like mine a little lying cheating jerk)

Text from: ben
I'm soo sorry please take me back I luv u ❤ and that BenX Reader story was just rude!!

You: first,I will never take you back NEVER!! 😑
Second,of all you don't want to know how i think of you then don't read my stories!
Third, i would rather be with sonic exe than with you😑
And finally Get out of my Phone ben!!!

Text from:ben

He hops out out of my phone and just sits down right beside you. Sit somewhere else maby on the road while a car is coming straight at you!!

"No are you crazy"
Yes yes i am

Time skip of laziness

We are finally here at the beach yaa i can not wait to go swimming omg the beach house looks amazing!😃 (pic up at the top)
Time to go pick my room i run up stairs and run into the biggest room up there and started unpacked everything i found my razor i haven't cut myself in a while i will start my bad habit up again just when i was about to cut myself someone came barging into the room laughing so i turn around to see...
Cliff Hanger

See you guys later my proxies i gtg to school but i managed to right a little today hope you all enjoy my story XD and Unicern out!!🦄🦄

Ben X ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora