Chapter 20: "Kayden!?!"

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Natalie's POV

I tapped the mans face...well mask, and he groggily looked up at me. "Good your up,"I smirked,"Now we can begin."

"So this guy is from that gang that's trying to kill,"Carter frowned, at the man.

"Yes,"I sighed,"And we're gonna see what he knows. But in order to use my new technique..I have to see who he is." I stepped towards the man, and ripped off his mask. Oh my God!

"Kayden!?!"Carter gaped,"I'm gone 3 days. 3 days, and this is what happens." I quickly unchained Kayden, and cupped his face.

"My poor baby,"I cooed, and rubbed his cheek with my thumb. Carter came over, and picked up Kayden.

"Let's take him to the infirmary," he suggest, and took Kayden out of the room. We got into the infirmary, and the doctor started bandaging up Kayden. 

Carter and I sat there and watched, as Kayden winced in pain. I put my head in my hands, as Carter rubbed my shoulders.

After the doctor finished stitching up Kayden, he left leaving the three of us.

"How long have you been in a gang?"I asked.

"How long have you and dad been fighting?"Kayden frowned. Carter and I looked at each other, and I walked over to Kayden.

"So you heard all of it,"I sighed.

"Every word,"Kayden whispered,"How could you dad?"

"Look Kayden,"Carter began,"You heard my defense, and I'm sorry."

"You almost broke mom,"Kayden admitted,"A-And...." Kayden trailed off and looked at the two of us. "You two are in a gang!"Kayden exclaimed.

"Yes,"I chuckled.

"I have so many questions and rants for the two of you,"Kayden glared from me to Carter.

"You can lecture us later, but now you answer our questions,"I ordered,"How in hell did you end up in a gang?"

"I didn't have a choice,"Kayden answered,"Wesley's brother is demanding."

"Wesley's broth-"I cut myself off,"Who's Wesley's brother?"

"Butch," he replied,"Butch Knox." Carter laughed.

"Who names their kid Butch?"Carter chuckled, which made Kayden laughed.

"Anyway,"I interrupted,"Does Butch ever talk about his love?"

"Yeah,"Kayden answered,"Some guy..umm..Chancellor."

"Clark,"Carter growled.

"Yeah that's it,"Kayden agreed,"You know him?"

"I killed him,"I responded. Kayden's eyes widened at me.

"You did what? Why? When? How? Who..wait I know who,"Kayden gaped.

"It's a long story for another day,"Carter smiled.

"Lucy needs to know about all of this,"Kayden admitted.

"We'll talk to her later,"I assured, "but for now we need to get to the cabin."

"So that's where you were hiding,"Carter glared.

"Yep,"I smirked, and helped Kayden into his wheelchair. We wheeled him outside, and I helped into the car. I looked at Carter, and he was looking at me.

"So do I get a key to the house?"he asked.

"Nope," I smirked, which made him frown,"Follow us to the cabin." I was about  to get in but Carter stopped. He turned me around, and pinned me against the car. Lord give me strength.

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