Hopeful friends of benefits

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The way that me and Light became friends was beyond bizarre. We used to hate each others guts. It's weird that we became friends in the first place even though I still suspect him to be Kira. So this is how it happened: It was a few months ago when me and Light were handcuffed together. We went everywhere together. Shower, bed, even when the other had to use the restroom. It was pretty weird and uncomfortable but we made the most of it by being nicer to each other talking about things that weren't about the Kira case. And each day our friendship grew stronger and stronger. It felt kind of wrong to me to be making friends with the enemy. But I just thought, what the hell its not like we have enough evidence to convict him. Actually, we have no evidence. But I'm also never wrong. I just ignored that little fact though and kept enjoying myself. Light's company was nice he was full of well, light. He was bright, his soul,  his honey colored eyes were bright as well. He was always laughing and making me laugh making jokes and stupid puns when I was down in the dumps or stuck on something in the Kira case. He'd always be there for me to make me feel better. He was my own personal light to shine when things were seeming to get too dark, too grim. I seemed to completely forget about my suspicions about him being Kira. I pushed them into a far away place in my mind that I forced myself not to go to. If I did think about it, I'd realize all over again the whole reason we were handcuffed together in the first place. So I didn't think about it. We'd play board games and joke about stupid things that guys joke about. We'd have fun. Which was great, really great. I'd never had a true friend before Light Yagami. I was always a loner in school. The kid that everyone thought was creepy or so smart that it was creepy. Which I never quite got. So it was truly a dream come true when me and Light became friends. Until it became a huge mistake. When I ended up falling in love with the enemy...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2016 ⏰

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