10. The "Parents"

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10. The "Parents"

This was not the next one on my cliché list, but I preferred to do this first 'cause I'm awesome. :D LOL. 

So, here we go. 

Parents. Or should I say "Parents". 

We have them in our little, phantasmagorical fan fictions. They are the integral parts of our story. They love the main character with all their hearts. They are always there to support the OC and—wait a minute! Why am I being ironic? Let's face the truth. Enough with your bullshit, Mara. Go straight to the point! 


"Parents." They are in every fan fiction (not just in JTK). They're always on the background. That's the catch: BACKGROUND. They don't get to play big roles and stuff. 

We have three types of parents: (This was based from my observation.) 

First type: the Sadists. 

Yeah, Sadist parents are SO in right now, you know? 

In stories, they always shove the OC around, hit him/her, rape him/her or stab him/her to the point that it's already unrealistic. 

I know there are parents like them out there, but don't overdo it in your story. Why won't your OC do something about it? Why won't your OC report his/her sadist of a parent? What? You want a sob story? 

Mate, I HATE sob stories. A lot of fan fiction writers (not just in JTK) do this to attract more readers. To get more sympathy. 

Seriously, what's the existence of the authority for if they're not going to do anything about your abusive parents? Maybe you could use your mind sometime? 

[To all who suffers this kind of treatment in real life, no offense. Don't just stand there. Move.] 

So, yeah. Fix yo' shiz. 

Second type: the Invisible Ones. 

This is the type of parents who only appear at the first part of the story. 


"Abigail Bethina Cassandra Daniela Evans, come down for breakfast. Now!" Mom yells from downstairs. 

"Okay, Mom!" I yell back. 

I go downstairs and eat my breakfast. Then I go to school where I meet up with my friends and shizzle shizzle something something. 

When I arrive at my house, I jump into my bed and sleep. Then while I am sleeping, I hear some noise. When I open my eyes, I see a man with (insert explicit description of Jeff here). 

"Go to sleep," he whispers. 

Then I scream for help but NOBODY hears me. 

I mean, my mom should be home, right? Where's my Dad, by the way? 

There. The amazing Invisible Ones. Those are the kinds of parents who disappear when things get a little intense. 

Usually, they will be forgotten by the OC as the story progresses. Some of them don't even mind finding the OC if she/he has gone missing. 

Huh. Typical Invisible Ones. 

Third type: the Tributes. 

The name says it all. Tributes. Like in Hunger Games. They're just there to adorn the story, to add suspense. They are the ones who die easily. The keyword is DIE. 

Yes, they are the ones who die either by being stabbed by Jeff or by being killed by the OC him/herself. 

So there you have them. 

And another thing, Sadists and Tributes may co-exist in stories. They are the best! 

What kind of parents does your OC have? 

Me? Yana's parents are a bit invisible at the first part, but they soon play a big role in the story. I don't want them to be Invisible, ya know? 

'Cause let's face it, normal parents are NOT invisible.

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