Chapter 47- Healed

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Over the past two weeks, nothing really happened for me. I laid in bed all day, sometimes I would use a crutch to get around.

Hershel said that today I can try and walk around, but if the pain got to intense I would need to stop. I laid excitedly in the bed, waiting for Hershel and Daryl to come in and help me.

Daryl came in first, a grin on his face. I smiled and turned to stand up. He quickly wrapped his arms around me.

I squealed as he carried me down the stairs, almost smacking my head against the wall multiple times. We got outside and I breathed the fresh air, we walked into a grassy spot and Daryl set me down, carefully on the grass.

"You ready?" He asked me quickly.

I smiled and pushed away from him. "Ready then I'll ever be."

I took a step forward, then another. My leg had a small amount of pain, but it was livable.

I smiled and took another step, after a few more minutes of baby steps I could walk normally again.

I stretched my legs out and prepared for what I really wanted to do. I turned around to see everyone except for Ryan and Carol there, watching me stumble around.

I smiled and prepared to run, the thing I've wanted to do for so long. I walked quickly and fastened my pace.

I kept picking up speed until I was sprinting across the field. I ran through the farm, joy washing over me. My lungs started to burn and I slowed down, stopping beside a tree. I leaned against it for support. Someone put their hand on my back and I looked up to see Lori, Tayler, Allison and Andrea smiling at me.

"Whoa there Mariah, just slow down. Take deep breaths." Lori said patiently.

I smiled and stood up, I quickly wiped away the sweat on my forehead and leaned my back against the tree.

"You feel alright?" Tayler asked, putting her hand on her hip. I rolled my eyes and looked at her.

"Of course, I just ran out of breath that's all." I said breathlessly. "That was awesome, you just ran. You didn't care about what happened." Allison said happily.

I laughed and looked at them all. "I'm glad I could amuse you all, do you guys know where Carol is? I want to maybe hear her apology." I joked.

Andrea laughed for a minute and fought hard to hide her smile. "She was with Ryan last time I saw her." Tayler said quickly.

I frowned from confusion, why would Ryan and Carol be hanging out, were they dating now? I giggled at the thought of them both being stuck with each other, I felt bad for both of them to be honest.

"I'm going to go say hi to Carol, maybe she will apologize." I said sarcastically.

"Alright, do you want anyone to go with you?" Andrea asked hopefully.

I shook my head. "Nah, we should be alone." I said quickly. I waved good bye and started to walk towards the camp our group had set up.

I braced myself as I saw Ryan leaving the Peletier's old tent. I quickly snuck in to see Carol sitting on a sleeping bag, her legs folded and her face scowling at me.

"What are you doing in here?" She questioned me.

I raised my hands up as if I was surrendering "Look I just want to talk." I said innocently.

She frowned but nodded, I took that as an invitation to sit down. I copied Carol's body language and prepared myself for the conversation.

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