Chapter 11, pt 1.

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(Libras PoV)

"Morning" Aqua smiled has I cuddled up to him like he was my own personal teddy bear, "Capricorns just texted me" He announced as I sat up in anticipation wanting to find out weather I got my space.

"What did he say?" I asked as Aqua followed my actions before moving his messy bed hair out of his eyes.

"He said that there's some sort of student loan that we can all take out and that at the collages there's dorms so it would be best if we could all stick together considering" He explained as I nodded along not helping but to agree with Cap, "so Virgo thought it would be best if we all went to collage. That way if anything happens to each other we're all closer and can help" He finished as I let out a sigh, as much as I wanted to go to high school, collage is the next step I should take besides I've got hundreds of year to go back to that place anyways.

"So I guess we're all off to collage then huh?" I smiled getting out of bed beginning to put on some warm clothes to fight against the furious cold.

"I guess so, don't worry. I had one of the best times of my life at collage and you will too, I can promise you that" He stated putting his arms around me before kissing my neck.

"By the way Virgo say hurry up or we'll be late and won't make it on time" Aqua spoke out loud as another text rang through.

"Late for what?" I frowned wondering what I had missed here. Was we supposed to be doing something all together again?

"For the first day of collage"


(Pisces's PoV)

I dragged my suitcase down the stairs, wishing we had another week at the resort but let's face it, nothing good lasts for long. "Here I'll take that off your hands," Cap smiled grasping my suitcase only to disappear into the harsh winter storm.

"Why are we leaving now?" Taurus moaned frowning as Scorpio carried down their suitcases, "we have another week left on the cabin" She added as I frowned feeling misinformed.

"We are leaving now because of the storm," Virgo stated putting on her gloves and coat, only to place her hat securely on the top of her head.

"Storm?" Scorpio repeated confused as he finally had both the suitcases down the stairs, he looked a bit exhausted in my opinion.

"Yes, don't any of you watch the news?" Virgo asked as we all stud in front of her oblivious to what that show was, "never mind forget I said anything," She sighed not even attempting to explain to us what it is. "Either way it's coming and we need to leave pretty soon, the whole sites being evacuated because of it. They're saying its category 4 so being on a snowy mountain isn't exactly the best idea" She added handing me my coat before swiping a spec of dust off of the shelf beside her.

"I-I've p-put on on the h-heaters in t-the car," Cap announced with flakes of snow in his eyelashes, making him look freezing.

"I don't feel too good," Taurus stated holding her stomach as Scorpio helped her out on her coat as gently as he possibly could.

"Wait what's that bleeping?" I questioned pointing to the corner of the room where a red light continually flashed a luminous red.

"It's just hit category 5, we need to leave now," Virgo spoke worriedly as Taurus gripped her stomach. Cap and Scorpio grabbed each of her sides and traveled out to the car.

"Virgo, I feel scared" I gulped as the snow began to blow through the door, drifting across the wood towards me.

"The isn't anytime to feel scared anymore Pisces. Come on," Virgo resorted as we both entered out into the treacherous wind, the snow hitting me, pushing me back two steps every one I took. Virgo grabbed hold of me as I put my arm in front of my eyes struggling to see ahead.

"Come on!" A male voice yelled as I felt myself being dragged forwards as the wind beated me back. Suddenly, I was in the car next to Taurus who was curled up on the seat breathing heavily with beads of sweat rolling down her forehead.

"She doesn't look good," I frowned on concern as Scorpio hopped in beside her, Virgo and Cap getting into the front.

"It's okay Taurus we'll be out of here soon," Cap spoke worriedly as her turned on the engine of the car, when suddenly a scream ripped out of Taurus causing the ground to shake. We all exchanged worried glances as the car shook furiously.

"Cap" Virgo spoke before we saw a tidal wave of snow heading towards us. I felt my heart pound faster and faster as I traveled towards us, everyone shook in fear as Cap grabbed two suit cases and pressed them against the window shield, with Scorpio gripping onto Taurus for dear life.

Did she just cause an earthquake?!

"HOLD ON!!!"

(Leo's PoV)

"What the hell was that?" I questioned holding onto the side of the sofa looking to Sagittarius and Gemini who looked about as bewildered as me.

"An earthquake maybe?" Sagittarius suggested as the pile of suitcases began to grow, mostly they were all mine.

"What's that rumbling sound??" Cancer paused walking down the stairs as we all fell quiet hearing the sound get louder and louder.

"Um, guys we're on a snowy mountain and a earthquake just took place," Gemini spoke her eyes fixed on the floor before shooting over to the window, "you know what comes after a earthquake?" She gulped her eyes wide with fear as she rushed over to the window.

"What?" Sagittarius questioned as we all joined her over at the window all confused and oblivious to the tragic event which was about to take place.

"...An avalanche" She gasped as we all watched a snow cloud of white travel down the hill as fast as a race ca towards us, no chance of stopping. I gulped knowing that I'd hit us. I gulped, my eyes widening as I watched it consume a car, sending it flying backwards into the air before covering it whole.



(Aries's PoV)

"Oh my god" I gulped as me, Libra and Aries watched the snow gallop towards us getting faster and faster as it approached us, "STEP ON IT!!" I yelled as Aqua hit the gas causing the car to propel forwards through the snow.

"Oh god, oh god!" Libra repeated with tears flowing down her face as the car skidded from side to side struggling to grip the snow as the Avalanche grew closer and closer to smashing us to smithereens.

"Faster! Faster!" I bellowed as I saw the road where the Avalanche couldn't get to, only yards within reach! I felt my heart beat ten to a dozen as we got closer and closer to safety, yet nearer and near to the monstrous avalanche.

"I'm going as fast as the thing we take us!" Aqua yelled his voice laced with fear and panic clear in his eyes, none of us were equipped for this...

My eyes were fixed on the snow hurling towards us, I could hear Libra sobbing in the background and the wheels spinning in the snow. "We're almost there!" Aqua announced as we edged closer to the safety of the road at which the avalanche couldn't get to when...


Muhahahaha I left it on cliff hangers for all the zodiacs!!! So Taurus caused a earthquake huh? WTF!!! Find out in the next chapter of zodiacs United who survives and who'll escape the mighty cold Avalanche?!!!

Don't forget to Vote and Comment who you think will survive and who you think could possibly die!!! :)

Oh and I'm going away for a while but hopefully it shouldn't affect the updates fingers crossed!! Byeeeeee!!!!!!!!!

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