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"Where did I go wrong?
I lost a friend,
Somewhere along in the bitterness. And I would have stayed up,
With you all night.
Had I known,
How to save a life."

The next few days passed by in a blur. I only realised how much time has passed when finally, I had Mason's room all tidied up and ready to be lived in again.

Curly knew something was up the minute I opened his bedroom door, because it was a place in the apartment that no one had ventured to since his hospitalisation. She had since been in a rather anxious mood, lying on his bed and awaiting to meet her owner again. With a sigh, I gingerly sat on the edge of the newly made bed beside Curly, stroking her soft fur as she mewed in appreciation.

"It's going to be tough for him," I said to her quietly. "But I'll be here always. I won't let him hurt himself again."

Curly looked up at me with her big blue eyes, before nuzzling her head against my hand with a purr, as if saying, 'I know you won't'.

"Ris?" I heard Yuko holler from the living room. With a small smile, I got up from the bed and walked out to the living room.

"I don't really know you'd want to eat so I made a little bit of everything," Yuko said, scratching the back of his elbow awkwardly. Laid out neatly on the table were assortments of homemade food, ranging from chawanmushi to French toast.

A strange emotion welled up inside of me and at that moment, I felt like I was easily the luckiest girl on the planet. Growing up with busy parents, I always had to depend on myself. It was really nice to have someone to care about me for once.

"Thank you," I said, eyes shining as I ran up to Yuko and hugged him tight. Yuko laughed softly, nuzzling his nose against my head, "No problem, Ris. Come on, eat up. You must be hungry."

"Have you eaten?" I asked, as Yuko pulled out a chair for me to sit. Taking a seat, I marvelled at the amount of food in front of me. Yuko nodded, before taking a seat in front of me.

"I had a small bite before I came over just now," he said, resting his elbow on the table. "The food's all yours."

"Thank you, Yuko," I mumbled quietly, lowering my eyes. I didn't understand why he had to be so nice to me. I hardly deserved it anyway. "You didn't have to cook for me."

"I know," he replied, smiling slightly. "But I wanted to."

"Why?" I couldn't help but ask. That seemed to be the only question on my mind for the past few days.

"Because I like you," he said casually, before grabbing another one of his books that laid on the table. My eyes widened a fraction and my cheeks began to flame up.

"You're so blunt," I practically whined. Yuko chuckled, lifting his eyes from his book.

"I'm stating the obvious," he replied, the smile never leaving his lips.


"Woah, easy!" Yuko exclaimed as Mason tried to get up from his wheelchair. Yuko swiftly clamped a firm hand on Mason's shoulder to stop him from trying to stand up on his own again.

"I'm telling you, I can move just fine!" Mason complained, shrugging off Yuko's hand.

"Mason," I chided, with a warning tone that could rival a mother's. "He's only trying to help."

Blurred Lines | ✓ [1st Edition]Where stories live. Discover now