Crack Characters!

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A/N: So instead of doing Sai for this chapter, I decided to make a Questionnare with multiple characters! But instead of tying them to a chair- well, I did something else :3

Shadow Imitation Technique! Don't ask me how I know this, I just do. And no, I am not a Nara. 

PS- Yes, Sasuke is a freak with mental issues and Tourette's syndrome. I'm sorry fangirls. 

 Hello again Sasuke, and Naruto it's nice to see you. 

Sasuke and Naruto: growls

Sakura: What? You guys have met before? Naruto, why didn't you tell me about this! 

Seriously? You too? What's with the growling? Good thing Deidara's in a mission right now or else I'd also have him for this happy reunion. Oh yeah, and no one would ever believe him if he just ran around screaming there was someone out there worse than Orochimaru would they, Sakura?

Sasuke: So fucking happy.

Am I right? 

Naruto: Right.

*laughs* You guys are hilarious. 

Sakura: Ever heard of sarcasm?

Dear, don't start thinking I'm stupid or anything.

Sakura: Urgh, this sucks! Naruto, do something!

Naruto: Why me? I can't freaking move!

Sasuke: Tell me something I don't know.

Oh, I love you guys so much.

Sasuke: Bullshit.

Especially you Sasuke.

Sasuke: Fuck. 

Sakura: Don't worry, I'm sure Kakashi-sensei's after us!

Oh, I've got that covered.

Sakura: huh?

Kakashi: Yo.

All: Kakashi-sensei?! 

Sasuke: That's great. Our Jonin-level sensei fell for a Shadow trick. 

Naruto: Well, doesn't he fall for all the tricks?

Sakura: You're right...

Kakashi: Hehee...

Okay, I think everyone's here... Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, and Kakashi. The original Team 7. Alright let's get started!

Sasuke: Yippee...

Sakura: What do you mean "started"?

Naruto: Kakashi-sensei do something! This is tortureeee!!

Kakashi: If you stop whinning then maybe I can think of something...

Sasuke: Idiot!

Alright, before this turns into a fight... Who do you guys love?

Sasuke: bullshit. No one. 

Sakura: ... 

Naruto: ...

Kakashi: ...

Why, thank you for answering Sasuke. Sakura, Kakashi, and Naruto... you guys need to say something.

Sakura: Or what?

Naruto: Don't question. Whatever you do, don't question. 

Nicely said Naruto. I'm going to repeat this, Who do you love?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2013 ⏰

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