Why cant you accept me

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Its been 1 year since I left the leaf village for an A ranked mission. I'm finally back now I'm 12 years old (>^ω^<) .And I'll finally see my twin after one whole year... I wonder if she still hates me *sigh*.In a few more minutes I'm gonna be there.. home.

Sakuras POV (contains cursing )
"I CANT BELIEVE THAT BIT*H IS COMING BACK !!!!.ALL SHE'S GONNA DO IS HOG UP ALL THE ATTENTION AHHG!!"I scream I.HATE.HER.Mom and dad -no wait EVERYONE preferred her to me even my best friend ino !.I hate that attention wanting bit*h. With that i went to the gates I'm going to humiliate her in front of everyone shell just turn back and leave she never fights me *giggles evilly * with that i went to the gates to 'welcome ' her with everyone .

Armonies POV
As I got to the gates I saw all my friends and family (that live in konoha)and to my surprise I saw sakura
there 'probably she changed' I smiled at the thought. .Maybe.I saw her walk towards me. And she spat in my face.. everything and everyone went still I allowed her to do that everyone knows she does this but I always tell them not to do anything.

Sakura's POV

I spat on her face .... yes I did. Then I slapped her across the cheek. "HOW DARE YOU COME BACK HERE WHO*E! "I shouted.. I was loving the attention but she didn't even flinch her head just moved to the side I glared at that you think you're so tough . "YOU ARE JUST HERE TO STEAL MY BEST FRIEND INO AND MY FUTURE HUSBAND SASUKE-KUN!! " I shout as I grabbed her long pink hair I always hated how she had longer hair than me. Though she did not react .

Armonies POV

I just stayed emotion less I saw the faces of my family and friends they all looked at sakura in disgust some even balling up their fist and shaking some looking away..When I was little me ,ino and hinata used to be best friends then sakura got angry and told me to ignore them ,me being the twin sister I am did just that... the thing is they don't know why I did it so they thought I hated them and sakura took that opportunity to be best friends with ino not hinata maybe because she was really shy . Then as for sasuke.. I liked sasuke me and him had an understanding somehow and she thought I was trying to steal her 'future husband ' she once again told me to forget him... and so I did just hoping that she would be happy . They are the only people who didn't arrive today or so sakura would think.. I know they are watching from a fare as she does this ..whatever you'd call it ....

Everyone's POV

'Why.. why do you allow it.. damn it '

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