Chapter 10, part 1

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We settled into the seats and I looked around again, taking in my surroundings. My arm was bumped when he opened my bottle of water and handed it to me. "Thank you." I said softly, looking at him before setting the bottle down in the cup holder on the opposite side.

"You're welcome darling."

I smiled. "We need to take a selfie." I stated, studying him.

"We do?"

Bless him, he looked so confused and bewildered at the idea that we needed to take a picture together. "Yes." I nodded. "We don't actually have any pictures together." I pointed out, suddenly unsure as to how that had happened.

There were pictures of me with all the guys, in pairs or trios and of course just two of us but while I'd managed to get some pictures taken with Dr. Sean, somehow, Mr. Blackbourne had avoided any sense of inappropriate teacher/student behavior. I smiled. "Of course we don't." I blurted. "Because you were my teacher..."

"Yes." He came to his senses and nodded.

"But now you're not." I said. "There's absolutely no reason we cannot take pictures together all the time."

"Well..." He hedged and I watched as his eyes dashed wildly around theater.

I tilted my head and raised an eyebrow at him when his eyes finally settled on my face again. "I'm going to assume you just don't like to have your picture taken, my love. Not that you don't want to have pictures with me." I said softly.

He pursed his lips together in his 'I'm considering something' look as his eyes locked with mine.

I slowly pushed my lower lip out in a pout at his delay in answering.

His eyes widened in something that bordered between shock and terror. "No, not that. Mr. Coleman is quite right to tell you to put the lip away." He stated, exhaling slowly. "Taking pictures with me would make you happy." His tone made it more a statement than a question. I nodded. "Then I shall take more pictures, especially with you, darling."

I brightened immediately, beaming at him. "Oh thank you, Owen, my love." I leaned over and kissed his cheek before pulling out my phone and setting it up, almost dropping it in my excited movements. He chuckled and took it from me, holding it out to capture our picture. I managed to get him to take several, our faces together smiling. One with his arm around me and we just looked at the camera with happy looks on our faces.

One of him kissing my cheek... of me kissing his cheek. He managed to get one of me snuggled in close, resting my head on his shoulder as he bent slightly to rest his cheek on the top of my head.

He drew me closer, two fingers under my chin to tilt it up as he pressed his lips to mine in a gentle kiss. My eyes fluttered to a close as I felt his tongue dart out to tease my lips, deepening the kiss when my lips parted on a sigh to allow him entrance to my mouth.

It wasn't until the lights were turned on and off in the theater and he handed my phone back to me that I saw that he'd captured photos of him kissing me and I felt my cheeks flush with a rush of color. "Oh." I said softly, breathing it out on a sigh as I felt my stomach flutter with sudden butterflies.

We looked like a couple in the picture. An honest to God, dating couple and it warmed me. I couldn't stop the smile that bloomed on my face, sure that I was looking like an idiot at how happy it made me.

I felt his lips brush against the curve of my ear. "You're beautiful and the most important person in my life." He murmured. "If pictures with me make you that happy, we'll take one every day."

I smiled and turned my head, sneaking a quick kiss before the lights turned off all the way and the movie started to show previews. "Sounds like a plan to me, my love." I murmured softly before making sure my phone was on vibrate and tucking it into my purse as I settled in, close to his side, his arm around me as we watched the previews.

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