The Way It Should Be

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Unlike the first time Yuki made this journey she didn't stop to make camp. She walked through the night, pushing the memory further behind her with each step. She wanted nothing to do with the past and she had no plans on looking back. As she rounded the last stretch of road her childhood home came into view. She felt the smile spread across her face as the tears started flowing. The farmland around the house was overgrown, but she could see the vegetables in the tall weeds. All things to keep me busy. Yuki thought as she made her way onto the porch.

It was a three bedroom house, plenty big enough for Yuki. She had no plans on making friends or adding any guests to the house. Life was back on track and she enjoyed the feeling of knowing she was free to do as she pleased.

She walked around cleaning the dust that had started since she had been gone these past few months. Once the house was cleaned and she was settled she made her way outside to tend to the land. It was mid-afternoon and Yuki didn't intend to stop until the task was complete.

As Yuki began she thought of the recruiting mission and the final end to it, the full scale attack on the rogue camp. With a huff Yuki blew the thought from her mind, there's no reason to think of such things now, none of those people matter to me anymore. Placing her head back down she began the long process, knowing full well she had at least two more fields to clear.


Kakashi did his best to speak with each counsel he met with that day. He kept his head straight and made his case, gaining support from all three villages he had visited. Kakashi decided to accept the invitation from the last village to stay the night. He knew his team was tired and he also knew they would benefit from having a night sleeping in an inn instead of a makeshift camp they threw together in the woods.

This village was very lively for it being barely 10pm. Kakashi knew he wouldn't be able to stop the men from leaving their rooms, but he at least hoped they wouldn't stay out all night. He couldn't blame them for wanting to have a little excitement during this grim time. He threw open his windows and sat looking down on the busy street. This was the first time today he had been able to be alone and he knew exactly where his thoughts would go.

Immediately his mind flashed to the scenes of what he had left behind this morning, the pain ripping through him like a knife threatening to cut him in half. He could only imagine where Yuki was now, he knew more than anything she would be isolated. Then there was Iruka, the man left with the mess. There was no way Yuki had gone to Iruka for comfort, if anything she would run the other way.

Kakashi knew he would be gone the entire month, he knew the situation would not even begin to get better without him being present. I don't even know if I'll be able to get close to her once I return. The images flashes again of Yuki's reaction, of her crying, of her pain, Kakashi closed his eye tightly, trying to push the scenes from his mind. There was no going back now, Yuki knew everything and it would not be an easier road to win her back, if that was even possible.

What plan can I possibly put in place to bring Yuki back to me? I'll be away for a month, maybe longer. Kakashi tried with all his might to settle his emotions, there was no helping this situation now and it would do him no good to continue to dwell on it. The best actions he could take were to perform his duties well and accomplish a flawless attack against the rogue ninja camp. The plans were coming together, the first three stops on his village list had agreed without hesitation. They were in line with all the plans the Hokage had drawn up and could not wait to lend their support.

Kakashi moved from the windows and sat on his bed for the night. This would probably be the last time he would be in a room for the next month. Tomorrow morning he and his team would head out to the next phase of villages. Then he would meet the Hokage at the designated point to separate the groups for the attack. It seemed like the easiest of plans to ramble off, like lives wouldn't be lost, villages wouldn't be torn apart. Not that it matter much to Kakashi anyway, his life was already torn apart with the smallest flicker of hope of getting it back together.

With a sigh he turned in for the night, still hoping his team would get at least some sleep.


The next day came and went and by the time Kakashi knew it they had reached their last stop on the list of villages. This was the last day of recruiting tomorrow they would attack the village with all they had. Each village knew of the plans and they would be heading to the meeting point before sunrise. Kakashi knew staying in this village was not an option. They would make camp far off in the woods, giving them a head-start to reach the meeting point first. The Hokage would most likely be there waiting for them, there would be no way the Hokage would be the last to arrive.

As the last of the plans were finalized Kakashi and his team headed out into the woods to make camp and train until the sun set. Once the spot had been decided Kakashi made his way up to the highest tree, surveying the layout. He could see the meeting point in the distance as he looked around. This was the perfect spot for a quick departure.

Satisfied with his survey Kakashi stayed perched in the tree, look over the land as his mind brought him back to Yuki again. The pain wasn't getting easier to deal with, even when he had no time to fully think on the subject he felt it in his chest waiting for him to bring his thoughts back to focus on it. There was no telling what was happening with Yuki. He could barely feel her emotions through the connection, nothing like they used to be. He had tried every day to connect with her, but there was nothing in return. Whether it was the distance or the fact that the love they had shared was no longer there he did not know. Kakashi placed every hope he had that it was the distance, but deep down he couldn't bring himself to believe it.

Yuki, He pushed through the connection with all his emotions, I'll be back soon.


Yuki's family home looked back to its original state; fields tended, house repairs made, and the inside brimmed with the warm glow of love and care a home deserves. Yuki had never been happier she almost couldn't remember why she decided to leave in the first place. When she thought about it she remembered feeling like she needed a home, a place to belong, and something to fight for, but why had any of that matter? Why had she felt she had to leave this beautiful place to find all of that?

As she carried the rest of the harvest through the kitchen to be sorted the basket fell from her hands, her vision began to tunnel. Her chest contracted and a deep sadness hit her. She fell to her knees as she watched the basket and its contents roll around the kitchen floor. Yuki's hand clutched her chest her head hanging low. As the waves slowly moved past and Yuki was able to bring air back into her lungs she raised her head. This had been happening ever since she left the village, ever since Kakashi left the village. He had been surging through their connection every day pushing his sadness, his love, and of course his guilt straight into her. Yuki did nothing to respond, she never sent her feelings to him. Her genjutsu was able to keep her feelings muted, Kakashi would be able to feel that Yuki had an emotion, but he wouldn't be able to tell what it was. It was almost like a form of mind control on herself using her own genjutsu. Although it used a lot of her chakra Yuki knew it was for the best, she worried her sadness would be felt by Kakashi and that he would assume the wrong idea about the situation. Her sadness wasn't because she missed him her sadness was from being deceived, from loving someone so much that didn't love her back, and decided lying to her was the best way to show his love.

Rising to her feet Yuki collected the fallen vegetables and placed them back in their basket. She refused to be held back by this, she was determined to find a way to block the seal's connection. If she didn't find a way to stop these attacks she swore she would be cursed for the rest of her life.

There was a time I swore I would bind my life to you forever, but that seems so long ago. It's strange, Yuki thought with a sad smile, how you will always have a mask on now. I have no idea what's behind it even now that I know who you are. Yuki felt her chakra slip and knew some of her emotions had made their way to Kakashi. She paused looking up into the sky, This will never get easier.

Kakashi's mind blurred for a moment, he could feel Yuki ever so slightly. He looked to the sky and tried to focus. He wasn't positive about the emotion, but he knew she was thinking about him and that brought the smallest of hope back inside of him.

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