Unraveled Rose

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I awaken on my bed but I was all alone, Was it a dream? I thought to myself. Getting off my bed I rub my eyes and opening my curtains to welcome the warm sunshine into my room. I quickly examine my room to see if Adam was there but there was no one in sight. I let out a sigh of relief. I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror, i squinted at the foggy reflection before popping in my contacts. I could clearly see my short brown curly hair all messy. I couldn't say I didn't have a nice body, I was curvy in all the right places. Although I had a little tummy and my height wasn't all that I was quite a looker.

"Maybe it was all a dream after all"

I gently slapped my cheeks to finally start my day. I quickly made up my bed. A single feather lay on my bed. I picked it up and sighed once more.

"It was all true then and I haven't lost my mind yet." 

I whispered under my voice, as I got ready and walked downstairs for breakfast, mom was home already so she maybe made breakfast. Slowly walking down the stairs I could smell the fragrance of early morning pancakes. I heard some chatting coming from the kitchen followed by some laughter. I sat down by the dining table where I was greeted by my mom.

"Morning Mom"

"Morning Dear"

"Morning Marshmellow"

"Mor......wait what?........." 

I turned my head to see Adam sitting right beside me, feeling a bit shocked I wonder what the fudge is going on.

"It seem like both of you met already. Dear he shall be staying with us from now on since he agrees to pay us rent every month. He shall be moving into the guest room. Treat him like family okay"

She flashed me a smile, my brain was burnt and went blank. I smiled at my mom and gave her a nod as I continued to eat my pancakes.. I dare not utter a word to Adam especially at the table, I just took a moment to stare at him from the corner of my eye. After breakfast I helped mom clean up and I began heading upstairs to take a shower and to start doing my homework before break is over.

I silently enter into my room and opened the door that lead unto the balcony, a soft breeze pass through my short brown hair as i gaze unto the wide blue-green ocean is it touched the wide light blue skies. Indeed a beautiful scene to behold.

"Beautiful as always" 

Adam's voice came from behind me.

"Yes the scene is very breath taking" 

I turn to look at him staring with his beautiful dark blue eyes.

"I wasn't talking about the scene I was talking about the beautiful girl infront of the scene. Your beauty out shines the ocean's beauty for yours is the most fair."

His voice was smooth and seductive as he said those words. I begin to blush a bit but I hide it away by looking away.

"You really know how to flatter a girl. But still..... (I pause a moment and quickly changed the topic) How did you get my mom to agree on letting you stay here?"

"Your mom is a really hard cookie to crack but no shortcuts I merely just asked her and after a half of an hour of contemplation I cracked her and she agreed." 

He giggled happily wiggling a little.

"Well I would expect that from you anyways." 

I let out a sigh of relief.

The remaining of the day went pretty normal like everyday would...except something was different oh yes Adam was here...but that wasn't it. Around 5pm mom left for the hospital her duties came first as she took care of me as long as I could remember. At 5:30pm I went upstairs and went into my bathroom, I decided to take a warm bubble bath. I undressed and sat in the already filled tub. It was warm...and comforting as always. Something feels really different...that thought flooded my mind.

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