Chapter 10

600 17 11

Sara Woods

After school, I hurry to CC Jitters to see Grant, and quickly open the door, immediately spotting him, wearing a Central High shirt, jeans, and black converse finishing the outfit. He automatically looks up form his book, and smiles when his eyes meet mine. I walk over to the table and he grins at me, I got you a mocha, If you don't like it, I can buy you another drink, I just saw the drink you ordered and thought that's what you would have liked-" I quickly cut him off before he can finish his rambling, "It's great, thank you so much! You totally didn't have to do that." He grins, happy that he got the order right, "no problem! It was my pleasure!"

"So," I said sliding into the seat across from him, "how's life?" Grant smiles, "Good I guess, I'm going to go bring Wally to our house so he can just take a break from life at Star city and so I can talk to him, he's not really doing so well." I immediately feel sad that I won't be seeing him in person for a couple of days, but try to shake it off.

"I know Wally will listen to you, you can do this!"

Grant laughed, "thanks, I hope so too, he's a good kid, and can pull through." We end up talking for about two hours, not even looking at the time. He really is growing on me, I think as we laugh over some joke he just said.

I look at the time, and suddenly realize its late, "I'm so sorry, but I really have to go. I have to finish my homework, and eat dinner."

Grant nods, "Same, well, I'll see you tomorrow!" I smile at him, "Yeah, be safe!"


After dinner, I head up to my room to "attempt" to finish my geometry. After a good hour, I decide to check my phone, and see Grant texted me:

Grant (8:14)- Hey! Did you get home safe? I would have walked you home, but I really had to make it to the bus stop to catch Wally and bring him to our house :(

I smile at his thoughtfulness, and text back immediately.

Sara (8:14)- I'm fine! Tell Iris I said hi, and I hope Wally enjoys Central City! Goodnight!

I turn off my phone, and decide to watch some of The 100 on Netflix, its so good so far and I'm only on season 1, but not before my phone buzzes again;

Grant (8:15)- Goodnight! <3


Ugh I feel like this chapter was really cliche, I'm sorry... I really need to get better times for when I post chapters, so every Saturday, will be a new chapter most likely. Thanks for all the reads, and comment if you want! Stay strong with the Flash right now Speedsters!

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