2: Silhouettes

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The shadows or silhouettes of one single soul can tell so much about them, even if you do not take a glance at their physical appearance and the facial expressions that identify them as human. A single blackness can show you emotion, love, hate, some things about a person that make you blind to see what they really are hiding underneath the skin. Only if you pay attention to the silhouette that guides them through what one would call their life.

Eren's POV

It was a dark and icy-cold night, the winds howled from out the slightly cracked open window in the moon-lit jail cell. It was a night in Fall, causing the winds from the outside even in this caged up room to make the tiny hairs on my body stand, and cause tiny bumps on my arm to form from the cold.

The window in the jail cell was open a crack, but just enough for at least a child to crawl in if they had the decency to. The guards had opened the window feeling as if the room was hot enough during the day, but left it open at night, preferably to make me shiver in pain but unable to do a thing about it.

The open window caused the trees to dance across the walls of the jail cell, seeming as monsters from the dark that I was afraid of as a child. But seemingly now, as a 15-year old boy, it never occurred to me that anything did lurk in the shadows. And if something did, hell, it was too pitiful to show itself in broad daylight.

But then again, this jail cell describes precisely how I feel now. Dark. Caged in. Misunderstood. The monsters across the walls represent that darkness lurking even in the blackness of one's soul.

Why was I even in this jail cell in the first place? Its hard to talk about. I never did enjoy the topic to discuss, and never had I spoken a word of it to anyone but my adoptive sister, Mikasa and my best friend, Armin. After all, I told them everything, they were the only ones who understood me. Mikasa of all people should, she was with me every step of the way through this miserable piece of shit I call my life.

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